

单词 sat by
释义 sat by短语¹⁹²⁸¹
As I sat by his bed with tears flowing down my cheeks, I bowed my head to thank God for my dad's faith.
我坐在他的床边,早已泪流满面,低头为父亲的信心感谢神。 ebigear

Just after dusk, about20 Buddhist monks in burgundy robes and their friends sat by a pile of smoldering rubble where the Jieji temple used to be.
傍晚过后,大约20名穿着酒红色长袍的喇嘛和他们的朋友们坐在一堆燃烧的废墟旁,这里震前是一所寺庙。 yeeyan

Reaching over to the dresser that sat by the mirror she picked up a small case, which contained two contact lenses.
她拿起放在镜子下面的梳妆台上的一个小盒子,从里面取出一副隐形眼镜。 yeeyan

He hoicked a chair to him and sat by me.

He sat by his sick mother all night long.

He sat by the edge of the river and thought about his family.
他坐在河畔,想他的家人。 yeeyan

I sat by a fellow about my age24.
坐在我惫鞠的家伙和我一样大,24岁。 zhaozixun

In the month of May the sun grew strong and the snow melted, and we sat by the spring and wept.
到了五月,阳光渐强,冰雪化尽,我们坐在泉边哭泣。 examw

She sat by the window reading.
他坐在窗口看书。 blog.onlycollege.com.cn

Then I sat by her side and tried to warm her with my caresses. She did not speak, but she smiled at me.
于是我坐在她身边,试着用我的爱抚来暖和她,她一句话也不跟我说,只是对我微笑着。 xddhy




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