

单词 sat around
释义 sat around短语¹⁸⁰⁷⁴
As the daylight faded and the cool of the evening settled, we sat around a blazing fire talking about life. We shared the good things we’ve done over the past twenty years— and we shared the bad.
夜色降临,凉意袭来,我们围坐在火炉边谈各自的生活,分享过去二十年间经历的美好时光—当然还有不如人意的遭遇。 yeeyan

Looking for material for a Valentine’s Day story, I took a poll of adult friends as we sat around waiting for our kids to get out of the locker room.
为了找情人节的故事资料,在等着接孩子的时候,我向一群成年朋友提出了这个问题。 yeeyan

On September22nd,1985, finance ministers from the US, Germany, Japan, the UK and France sat around a big wooden table at the Plaza Hotel in New York, overlooking Central Park.
1985年9月22日,美国、德国、日本、英国和法国的财政部长在美国纽约,围坐在俯瞰中央公园的广场酒店一张大木头桌子前。 yeeyan

But from February through July, Joy sat around with nothing to do.
但是从二月到七月,乔伊又无事可做了。 yeeyan

But in her state of mind, she actually thought that her dreams would just sort of happen if she sat around being miserable long enough.
不过在她的脑袋里,她实际认为只要自己忍辱负重,总有一天她的梦想会变成现实。 edu.sina.com.cn

I heard these stories while we sat around a table groaning with exquisite food.
我听这些故事是我们正坐在摆满丰盛菜肴的桌上。 yeeyan

Most sat around, waiting for instructions from an authority figure.
当时大多数人围坐在一起等着一个权威人物下达命令。 yeeyan

These problems and recommendations about using data binding are not things I sat around and made up; they represent lots of e- mail from readers and posters who have asked about these very things.
这些关于数据绑定使用的问题和建议不是我坐而论道空想出来的,而是结合了很多读者和留言者在邮件中提出的问题。 ibm

We had a couple of beers, shared a bottle of wine over the meal, then sat around in the pub chatting and reading the papers.
吃饭的时候我们喝了几瓶啤酒,分了一瓶红酒,然后就在酒吧里闲着没事聊聊天看看报纸。 yeeyan




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