

单词 Satara
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Mahesh Waghmale and his wife, Sarika, outside their home near Satara. The couple could not wait to have children because of family pressure.
麦海士·瓦赫迈尔和妻子萨丽卡站在家门口,因为家庭压力,这对年轻夫妇迫不及待的要生儿育女。 yeeyan

In Satara, the birthrate has fallen to about1.9 children per family, partly because of the honeymoon package, with many women opting for sterilization after their second child.
在萨达拉,由于蜜月一揽子计划的推广,很多女性在生完二胎后进行了绝育,因此生育率降至了平均每户家庭1.9个孩子。 yeeyan

Problems persist, such as a sharp gender imbalance in Satara and many other regions of India because of a cultural bias toward having sons.
但问题依然存在,因为偏爱男孩的文化偏见,导致了萨达拉和印度其他地区出现了严重的性别比例失衡问题。 yeeyan

A farming district ringed with green hills, Satara has three million people.
萨达拉是马哈拉施特拉邦的农业区,四周为青山所环绕,人口300万。 yeeyan




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