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词汇 Sasso
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Nuclear Physics at Gran Sasso, said the scientists were now' more confident' about the result, but urged other laboratories to join his in repeating the test.
目前,格兰萨索实验室科学家已更加确信这项实验结果,还敦促其他实验室的科学家的研究人员也加入此项重复性实验之中。 cri

The different gravitational strengths at the two labs therefore mean that clocks at CERN run slightly slower than clocks at Gran Sasso.
因此,在这两个实验室里不同的重力强度就意味着,在欧洲核子研究中心的时钟会略慢于格兰萨索的时钟。 yeeyan

The latest converts are the members of the CRESST collaboration, also based at the Gran Sasso laboratorythe tunnel leading to which is pictured above.
最近转变观点的是同时以 Gran Sasso实验室图片中隧道通向的地方为基础的 CRESST的成员们。 renren

The OPERA team responded that they had correctly used the GPS to synchronize their clocks at CERN and Gran Sasso.
OPERA团队回应说,他们正确地使用了 GPS来同步在欧洲核子研究中心和格兰萨索两地的时钟。 yeeyan

By the time it gets to Gran Sasso the beam has fanned out, and big though it is, Opera only sees neutrinos from part of the beam.
当它到达格兰萨索的时候粒子束已经发散了,尽管 Opera很大,它也只能看见部分粒子束产生的中微子。 yeeyan

For instance, when a neutrino strikes the detector in Gran Sasso, that signal has to travel 8km through a waveguide before a timing measurement can be made.
例如,当一个中微子击中格朗萨索的检测器后,该信号必须通过波导管传送8公里方能进行时间测量。 ecocn

France's National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research collaborated with Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory on the experiment at CERN.
法国国家核和粒子物理研究组织与意大利 Gran Sasso国家实验室在 CERN在此实验上合作。 yeeyan

Gran Sasso and CERN are at different distances from the center of the Earth, so the force of gravity varies slightly between the two labs.
由于格兰萨索与欧洲核子研究中心,这两个位置离地球中心的距离并不一样,所以这两个实验室里的重力也稍许有所差别。 yeeyan

Individual neutrinos received at Gran Sasso could have come from protons early or late in the proton pulse, creating uncertainty in their exact travel time, detractors said.
而在格兰萨索接收到个体的中微子时,可能有来自提前或迟后于质子脉冲的质子,由此可能引起其确切行驶时间的不确定性,批评者说。 yeeyan

Scientists at the Cern lab in Geneva fired a beam of these particles through450 miles of rock towards detectors in the Gran Sasso lab in Italy.
位于日内瓦的欧洲粒子物理研究所的科学家们向450公里外意大利格兰萨索地下实验室的探测器发射了一束中微子。 yeeyan

That afternoon,12 German gliders crashed- landed on the Gran Sasso's slopes.
那天下午,十二架德国滑翔机强行降落大萨索的山坡上。 bomoo

The old beam was created by smashing long bunches of protons into a target to produce neutrinos, which would then travel on to Gran Sasso.
过去的中微子束由长串质子轰击靶标产生,之后发射到格朗萨索。 ecocn

The Gran Sasso team's result is six standard deviations.
而格朗萨索研究组的结果是六个标准差。 yeeyan

The finding was made by researchers at Cern in Switzerland and Gran Sasso in Italy.
该现象是瑞士欧洲核子研究委员会和意大利的巨岩发现的。 wendu

The prediction had been posted weeks earlier by a seismologist at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Abruzzi, Italy.
该预告是在数周前由意大利阿布鲁齐的巨石峰国家实验室的地震学家发布的。 suiniyi

There is much checking, re- checking and repetition to do before the Gran Sasso anomaly is proved or disproved.
人们会做很多的验证、再验证、反复验证的工作直到在格兰萨索异常实验结果被证实或者证伪。 yeeyan

They also measure the time distribution of neutrinos arriving at Gran Sasso.
他们还测量到达格兰萨索的中微子的时间分布。 yeeyan

They carried out an experiment that fired a beam of neutrinos from CERN to Italy's INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory.
他们做了一个实验从 CERN实验室发送了一束微中子到意大利的意大利格朗萨索实验室。 remword

Will the Gran Sasso result embarrass the know-it- all physicists, knock them off their pedestals by showing how wrong they have been all along?
因为证明那些无所不知的物理学家一直以来都在相信一个错误的理论,格兰萨索实验会令这些他们感到尴尬甚至威信尽失吗? yeeyan

With the beam tightened up, the neutrinos still arrived at Gran Sasso60 nanoseconds faster than light would have.
随着中微子束的收紧,中微子仍然比光提早了60纳秒抵达了格兰萨索。 yeeyan




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