

单词 accumulates
释义 ac·cu·mu·late·s 英ə'kjuːmjəleɪt美ə'kjuːmjəleɪt COCA³³⁰⁷³BNC³⁰⁸⁶⁹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
v.积累⁸⁵;增加;聚集原型accumulate的三单形容词accumulable过去分词accumulated现在分词accumulating三单accumulates Mudslides develop when water rapidly accumulates in the ground and results in a surge of water- saturated rock, earth, and debris.
当雨水迅速累积在土地上并且产生了大量被水浸透的岩石,泥土与碎屑时,泥石流就形成了。 putclub

The risk of disaster quietly accumulates.
灾害风险的累积是悄然无声的。 hjenglish

“ Arsenic that accumulates in grain is effectively under genetic control, ” say Zhu.
朱说:“砷在稻谷中的积累实际上是受到基因控制的。” yeeyan

As fat accumulates and his body fills out, his skin is becoming less wrinkly and is turning from red to pink.
随着脂肪的堆积和他身体的丰满,他的皮肤越来越光滑,颜色也从红色变成粉红色。 yeeyan

Consider paying interest on money children save at home; children can help calculate the interest and see how fast money accumulates through the power of compound interest.
考虑给孩子们在家的储蓄支付利息;孩子可以帮着计算利息也看看钱是怎么通过复利快速积攒起来的。 yeeyan

Earwax is a protective material that contains bacteria- fighting elements, but it sometimes accumulates and has to be cleaned out because it can impede hearing or cause pain.
耳垢含有对抗细菌的成分,是一种保护性物质,但有时它会堆积成堆,影响听力或造成痛苦,因此必须被清理掉。 yeeyan

For instance, a large fish that eats a smaller fish that eats even smaller fish accumulates all of the toxins of the chain, especially in fatty tissue.
举例来说,大鱼吃小鱼,而小鱼吃更小的鱼,如此循环,大鱼尤其是其脂肪组织累积了食物链中所有的毒素。 yeeyan

Further, ethyl mercury is actively excreted via the gut, unlike methyl mercury, which accumulates in the body.
另外,乙基汞通过肠道被积极排除出去,而不像甲基汞那样在体内积累。 who

In skeletal fluorosis, fluoride accumulates in the bone progressively over many years, leading to stiffness and pain in the joints.
在氟骨症的情况下,由于氟经年累月在骨骼中逐渐积存,导致关节僵硬和疼痛。 who

Physical Discomfort: As fat accumulates, it crowds the space occupied by your organs.
身体不适:脂肪积累会挤压本应有器官占据的空间。 hxen

Research shows that one soya- based drink a day can slash the amount of fat that accumulates across the stomach.
研究显示,每天喝一杯大豆饮品能削减大量堆积在腹部的脂肪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Stress accumulates quietly, boiling over at the worst moment when you didn't even realize it was there.
压力悄悄累积到一定程度,可能在你甚至还未曾意识到的糟糕时刻就会爆发出来。 cri

This is a form of literary extravagance only possible when a surplus of thought and emotion accumulates.
这种文学作品是很奢侈的,因为它只有在思想和情感有富余的情况下才有可能累积而成。 yeeyan

To remove the old information that accumulates as transactions commit, a ZODB administrator must occasionally“pack” its database.
要删除随着事务提交而积累的旧信息, ZODB管理员必须偶尔对其数据进行压缩。 ibm

University is full of knowledge; the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away, and knowledge accumulates.
大学里到处是知识,新生带进来点儿,毕业生什么也不带走,知识就积累了下来。 hjenglish

When a drop lands, some of this mineral is deposited at the landing site, where it accumulates, forming a stalagmite.
当水滴落地,其内一部分溶解钙碳酸盐在地面存储下来,日积月累,就慢慢形成了石笋。 ecocn




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