

单词 accumulating
释义 accumulating 英ə'kjʊmjə,letɪŋ美ə'kjʊmjə,letɪŋ 高COCA²⁰⁶⁰⁷BNC¹⁸⁴⁶⁵iWeb⁴⁶⁰⁷¹Economist¹⁴⁵⁷¹
n.聚积⁴¹;累加⁵⁹v.积累;增加;聚集动词accumulate的现在分词形式原型accumulate的现在分词 But there is nothing to stop households accumulating capital by saving.
通过家庭储蓄积累资金也是可行的办法。 ecocn

“ Energy services are essential for meeting basic human needs, reducing poverty, creating and accumulating wealth and sustaining advances in social development, ” it said in announcing the summit.
“能源服务是满足人类基本需求、减轻贫困、创造和积累财富、维持社会持续发展的基础,”这次首脑会议的公告中说道。 yeeyan

Admittedly, it would be unsound for the US to preserve current imbalances by accumulating government debt indefinitely.
不可否认,政府债务无限度累加,维持现在的失衡,对于美国是有问题的。 yeeyan

Analysts say that China can also buy bonds in the European and Japanese markets but that those two markets are not big or liquid enough to absorb China’s fast- accumulating foreign exchange reserves.
根据分析家所说,中国其实可以购买一些日本或是欧洲债券,但是这二个市场不够庞大和灵活来吸引中国快速积累起来的外汇。 yeeyan

As I have told you at previous two press conferences, currently, consensuses among the parties are accumulating and differences narrowing.
正如我在前两次发布会上介绍的,目前,会谈中各方的共识在积累,分歧在逐渐缩小。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

But as long as China runs a large current- account surplus, it must, by definition be accumulating foreign assets.
但是只要中国有一个较大的经常项目剩余就必须定义为这是外国资本的积累。 ecocn

Consider“ hot money” accumulating in China.
请注意“热钱”正在中国累积。 yeeyan

He views aging as a process of accumulating damage, which he has divided into seven categories, each of which he hopes to one day address using regenerative medicine.
德格雷认为衰老是一个累积伤害的过程,他将累积伤害分为七大类,并且希望有朝一日能利用再生医学去克服每一种伤害。 yeeyan

If the thought of consciously accumulating and exerting influence bothers you, imagine the consequences if you had no influence at all.
如果经理人对于有意识地积累和利用影响力感到困扰,不妨设想一下缺乏影响力的后果。 fortunechina

Indeed, some research groups have posited that the mother's finite reproductive capability is the result of accumulating these damaged and toxic compounds.
事实上,有研究小组断定过,母细胞的生殖能力之所以有限,是受毁损与有毒物质累积的结果。 yeeyan

It iterates over the list of socket objects you have been accumulating and sends the same data to them all.
它基于您已经积累的套接字对象列表进行迭代,并给它们全部发送相同的数据。 ibm

Meconium is accumulating in her bowel and will become her first dirty diaper after birth.
胎便正在她的肠内累积,这将成为她出生后第一次排出的物质。 yeeyan

Nonetheless, we are pleased to see that consensuses are accumulating and differences narrowing little by little.
但是我们非常高兴地看到,共识在一点点积累,分歧在一点点缩小。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

PNG is normally a good choice for color images where you don't want accumulating loss to affect the quality of the image after a series of manipulations.
如果您不希望在一系列操作之后产生的累积损失会影响到彩色图像的图像品质,通常 PNG是个不错的选择。 ibm

The first fast path for accumulating content is to import a solution information project created by another user.
积累内容的第一种快捷途径是导入由其他用户创建的解决方案信息项目。 ibm

The evidence that such messages can lead to clear, almost immediate changes in how people think and behave is accumulating fast.
有证据说明,这类信息可导致人们想法和行为产生清晰的、几乎是立即的变化。 这类证据正在快速积累。 yeeyan

The problem: the code bases of your projects are accumulating technical debt and they have already started to slowdown.
你的问题是:项目的基础代码一直在积累技术债务,但是这些债务已经开始下降了。 infoq

The researchers then examined why the mice were accumulating less fat, suspecting that a molecular signal was in play.
在检测了实验老鼠积累更少的脂肪的原因后,研究人员怀疑是分子信号起的作用。 yeeyan

They know they have to buy lots more U.S. Treasuries if they continue accumulating foreign exchange reserves.
他们知道如果他们继续累积外汇储备的话,他们将不得不买更多的美国国库券。 yeeyan

US corporations operate very profitably but instead of investing their profits they are building up their liquidity— accumulating money, not investing it.
美国公司非常赚钱,但他们则是在增强他们的流动性——积累资金,而不是用来投资。 yeeyan

We can't see greenhouse gases, so it is easy to forget that they are accumulating rapidly.
因为我们看不见温室气体,所以很容易忽略它们正在迅速累积的事实。 yeeyan

While you are accumulating the wisdom that comes with life experiences, your best shot is to project confidence.
当你从生活经验中积累了智慧之后,你的杀手锏就是展现你的自信。 hjenglish




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