释义 |
Sarmiento 基本例句 n.萨米恩托在阿根廷;西经 64º44' 南纬 34º08' During an assignment to the CordilleraSarmiento, an unexplored mountain range at the southern tip of Chile, Gordon Wiltsie's team climbed one of the highest peaks in the region.意译:主标题:“小鬼的帽子”。 During my early years of operating acetabular fractures I was assisted for the first time by my chief, GusSarmientoon a Kocher-Langenbeck approach to a transverse plus posterior wall fracture.在我做髋臼骨折的早期,第一次是有我主任GusSarmiento帮助我采用Kocher-Langenbeck入路完成一例后壁+横行骨折病例。 |