

单词 Saqqara
释义 Sak·ka·ra 英səˈkɑːrə美səˈkɑrəAHDsə-kärʹə COCA⁷⁸⁸⁶³BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²

a town in northern Egypt; site of the oldest Egyptian pyramids近义词 Sakkara塞加拉埃及北部一村庄…
TheSaqqaranecropolis is close to Memphis.塞加拉墓地离孟菲斯很近。 A covered sarcophagus is seen on June5,2008, inside the Saqqara Serapeum, a long tunnel of underground tombs for sacred bulls near a recently rediscovered pyramid in Egypt.
2008年5月,在塞加拉的塞拉皮雍神庙最近被重新发现的金字塔附近的一条很长的地下陵墓通道内部,一个封闭的石棺被发现。 com

Excavationshave been ongoing at Saqqara for150 years, uncovering a necropolis of pyramids and tombs dating mostly from the Old Kingdom but also tombs from as recent as the Roman era.
在塞加拉的发掘工作已经持续了150年,揭示了大部分来自古老王国的古代金字塔和陵墓的大墓地,但是也有来自近期如罗马时代的陵墓。 suiniyi

Although archaeologists have been exploring Egypt for some200 years, Hawass says only a third of what lies underground in Saqqara has been discovered.
虽然考古学家们在埃及进行勘探已经大约200年,但哈瓦斯表示,深埋在塞加拉地下的东西只发现了三分之一。 www.15cssf.com

In 1842, German archaeologist Karl Richard Lepsius mentioned it among his finds at Saqqara, referring to it as number29 and calling it the “ Headless Pyramid” because only its base remains.
1842年,德国考古学家卡尔·理查德·莱普修斯 Karl Richard Lepsius在塞加拉的诸多发现中提到了这座代号为29的金字塔,并且称之为“无头金字塔”,因为该金字塔只保留下来基座。 www.15cssf.com

The team found17 buried pyramid- shaped structures, including one at Saqqara, famed for its numerous pyramids.
研究小组发现了17座金字塔形状的建筑物,其中的一座位于塞加拉,该地以金字塔众多而著称。 yxook.com

The lion was found in a tomb at Saqqara in northern Egypt belonging to Maia, wet nurse to Tutankhamun, who was buried in about1430 BC.
这只狮子木乃伊是在埃及北部村庄塞加拉的一个坟墓中被发现的。坟墓的主人是图坦卡门的奶妈迈亚,大约在公元前1430年葬于此地。 ywhc




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