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词汇 Sapwood area
释义 Sapwood area
Sapflow andsapwood areaof Populus euphratica with 60cm were higher than 15 cm and 28cm , and its velocity was lower.5月和8月胡杨液流量有相似变化规律,而且60cm胡杨液流量都远远高于28cm和15cm。
Sap flow flux was influenced bysapwood areasize, and decreased progressively from the base along the trunk to the top of tree.不同树干高度液流通量的变化受边材面积大小的影响,自基部沿树干高度递减;
In this article,sapwood areais used as a scalar to extrapolate the stand water use from whole tree water use measured by heat pulse velocity recorder.该文在单木液流测定的基础上,采用边材面积作为纯量,对京北山区水源保护林的主要树种油松、刺槐林进行由单木到林分耗水的推算。
The results show that the water consumption of transpiration can be reckoned through standard specific conductivity of standard tree and the relative model between breast height diameter of tree andsapwood area.结果表明,通过标准木的标准比导率和树木胸径和边材面积的相关模型,可以比较准确地推算出林分的蒸腾耗水量。
The morphological features of tree significantiy affected sap flow.Taller trees with largersapwood areaand canopy size that were load with more radiation demonsrated higher whole-tree transpiration.形态特征明显影响树木的液流,高大树木由于边材较厚、树干粗壮和冠幅较宽而承载较多的辐射能量,因而水分蒸腾较高。




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