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词汇 sapping
释义 sap·ping 英'sæpɪŋ美'sæpɪŋ COCA⁶¹⁹⁰⁸BNC⁵⁹⁷⁰⁰Economist¹⁶⁷³⁷
名词 sap:
a watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a planta person who lacks good judgmenta piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle; used for hitting peopleas in.draining
同义词 exhausting,taxingdebilitating,depleting,fatiguing,wearing,wearyingtiresomeas in.exhausting
同义词 debilitating,draining,taxing,tiresomedepleting,fatiguing,wearing,wearyingas in.fatiguing
同义词 debilitating,depleting,draining,exhausting,taxing,wearing,wearyingtiresomeas in.murderous
同义词 brutal,cruel,dangerous,deadly,destructive,devastating,ferocious,lethal,ruinous,savagearduous,criminal,destroying,exhausting,fell,harrowing,hellish,killing,strenuous,unpleasantas in.sanguinary
同义词 arduous,bloodthirsty,bloody,bloody-minded,brutal,criminal,cruel,cutthroat,dangerous,deadly,destroying,destructive,devastating,exhausting,fell,ferocious,harrowing,hellish,homicidal,killing,lethal,ruinous,sanguineous,savage,slaughterous,strenuous,unpleasantas in.sanguineous
同义词 arduous,bloodthirsty,bloody,bloody-minded,brutal,criminal,cruel,cutthroat,dangerous,deadly,destroying,destructive,devastating,exhausting,fell,ferocious,harrowing,hellish,homicidal,killing,lethal,ruinous,sanguinary,savage,slaughterous,strenuous,unpleasantas in.slaughterous
同义词 arduous,bloodthirsty,bloody,bloody-minded,brutal,criminal,cruel,cutthroat,dangerous,deadly,destroying,destructive,devastating,exhausting,fell,ferocious,harrowing,hellish,homicidal,killing,lethal,ruinous,sanguinary,sanguineous,savage,strenuous,unpleasantas in.taxing
同义词 demanding,disturbing,onerous,stressful,tedious,troublesome,tryingenervating,exacting,punishing,tiring,wearingdifficult,exigent,grievous,heavy,oppressive,tough,wearisome,weighty
drainingadjective tiring
exhaustingadjective tiring
fatiguingadjective tiring
murderousadjective difficult
sanguinaryadjective murderous
sanguineousadjective murderous
arduous,bloodthirsty,bloody,bloody-minded,brutal,criminal,cruel,cutthroat,dangerous,deadly,destroying,destructive,devastating,exhausting,fell,ferocious,harrowing,hellish,homicidal,killing,lethal,ruinous,sanguinary,sapping,savage,slaughterous,strenuous,unpleasant And its probably sapping your creativity along with it.
也许你的创造力会因此而受阻滞。 yeeyan

For the most part, the purely desktop user's sensibilities are not sapping the free software culture so much as being accommodated and isolated as a special case.
极大程度上,在被同化与孤立为特殊事件的过程中,纯图形界面用户的敏感性还不至于触碰到自由软件用户文化的根基。 yeeyan

The dissipation units are built into a building's structural skeleton. They are hydraulic cylinders that elongate and contract as the building sways, sapping the motion of energy.
耗散单元嵌入到了建筑的骨架中,它们就是液压的圆筒,可以伸长来限制建筑物的摇摆,逐渐耗散运动的能量。 yeeyan

The threat of shareholder lawsuits and the regulation of the public markets have added to the distracting burden of compliance and to enterprise- sapping bureaucracy.
股东诉讼的威胁和公开市场的监管干扰了管理层服从决定的行动,加重了他们的负担,加剧导致企业效率耗损的官僚作风。 ecocn

We sit for too long at the computer, sapping energy.
左面在电脑前坐太久,精力在消耗。 yeeyan

At the end of a hard day it can sometimes feel like gadgets such as phones and computers are sapping our energy.
在疲惫的一天结束之时,有时我们会感到手机电脑等设备好像正不断地抽走我们的精力。 yeeyan

Both sides readily agree that these disruptions will harm the firm, not just by leaving it short- staffed, but also by distracting managers and sapping morale.
双方显然都明白这些纷争对公司百害而无一利,除了造成人手短缺外,还牵扯了管理层精力,打击了员工士气。 ecocn

But the West’s economic slump has given force to their claims by sapping the earning power of the young.
但是西方经济的不景气冲击着年轻人的赚钱能力,使这个理由大打折扣。 ecocn

But Labour’s front bench cannot agree whether to apologise for giddy levels of spending before the credit crunch, or to boast about them, sapping the party’s credibility.
但是是否对信贷危机前令人目眩的支出水平,或者进行大肆吹嘘高开支、损坏工党信誉的事情进行道歉,他们尚未取得一致。 ecocn

Consistently breaking a sweat, along with medication and counseling can help people battling depression by sapping lonely and vulnerable feelings.
在吃药和咨询的同时,不断让自己流汗,能让一个人克服孤单、脆弱的感觉,击败抑郁。 yeeyan

Everything, it seems, is possible here, from utopian triumphs of the imagination to soul- sapping expressions of a disregard for individual lives.
每一个事物看上去都能在这存在下去,从理想中的乌托邦的胜利到漠视个体存在的表达。 yeeyan

Germany has the third- largest trade surplus in the world, after China and Japan, sapping growth in its European neighbors.
德国是继中国、日本后世界第三大贸易盈余国,德国吮吸了其欧洲邻国的经济增长。 yeeyan

In sumptuous first-class cabins, humidity can plunge to 5%, sapping the bouquet from champagne and caviar.
而在豪华的头等舱内,湿度会陡降至5%,破坏了香槟和鱼子酱的美味。 voa365

Nor are you condemned to a life plagued by the energy- sapping, happiness- stunting emotions of deep- seeded anger and resentment.
你再也不会被由于深深根植于心的愤恨而受折磨于能量消耗,幸福感萎缩的生活,并且责难着自己。 yeeyan

Prices will probably fall again this year, sapping confidence and preventing people from moving to find work.
今年房价很有可能继续下跌,削弱人们的购房信心,组止人们迁移工作。 yeeyan

Rotate agricultural crops to prevent the sapping of nutrients.
不同的作物轮耕,以防止土壤养分枯竭。 yeeyan

Sometimes, a job that's sapping your energy can be fixed with just a few little tweaks.
有时候,一份耗费你精力的工作只需要稍作调整就能修复过来。 yeeyan

That was aimed at reducing the loss of manufacturing jobs to Asia, which is hollowing out Japan’s industrial base and sapping tax revenues.
该组织旨在减少亚洲制造业的工作的损失,这将挖空日本工业基础和侵蚀财政税收。 ecocn

They say these workers, mostly in their 20s and early30s, are sapping Japan's international competitiveness at a time when the aging country must raise its productivity to keep the economy growing.
他们说这些员工,大多20多岁30出头,在日本这个老龄化的国家必须提高其生产力以使得经济增长时的将日本的国际竞争力搞得衰竭不堪。 yeeyan

They want to draw us into endless wars, sapping our strength and confidence as a nation.
他们想把我们拉近无止尽的战争,削弱我国的强势及自信。 yeeyan

This shambles, for which corruption, feuding ministries, sapping bureaucracy and shoddy workmanship are all to blame, does not matter to many Indians.
这个烂摊子与印度百姓无关,应该归咎于政府的腐败、部门的不和、臃肿的官僚做派和劣质的建筑工艺。 ecocn




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