

单词 sapien
释义 sa·pi·ens 英'seɪpɪənz美'seɪpɪənz 高COCA²²⁴⁶⁴⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

of or relating to or characteristic of Homo sapiensHomo sapiens智人现代人的学名…species home sapiens智人种

用作形容词The human fossils are dated belonging to early Homo sapiens.年代测定人类化石属早期智人。
It is thought to have been made by Homo erectus, an ancestor of modern Homo sapiens.脚印被认为是直立人留下的,直立人是现代智人的祖先。用作名词C. We should avoid thinking like Homo sapiens.我们应该避免像智人一样思考。
They created HuMans, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.他们创造了人类,智人,通过基因遗传而帮助猿人变成智人。 Lab rats are not humans, and not every brain, rodent or homo sapien, is wired the same.
实验鼠不是人类,啮齿动物和人类的大脑的组成是不一样的。 yeeyan

But you're only human, and sometimes it's hard to resist your dog's sweet stare as he begs you with his eyes to share some of your delicious homo sapien cuisine.
但狗主人也是人,有时实在无法抗拒爱狗向你讨要人类美味时那甜美可怜的小眼神。 yeeyan

But the wheel is one hundred percent homo sapien innovation.
但轮子却百分百属于智人的发明。 yeeyan

Later, it dawned on one of the scientists that this Homo Sapien child seemed to have the short, lower leg bones of a Neanderthal.
后来,它到来的一个科学家,这种人 Sapien儿童似乎短,下肢骨骼的尼安德特人。 en400

Sitchin says Nibiru was a planet whose inhabitants came to earth450,000 years ago to search for gold and to create a race of homo sapien slaves.
而西琴说它是一颗行星,上面的居民45万年前来到了地球,寻找黄金,并创造了一个人类奴隶种族。 blog.sina.com.cn




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