

单词 sanitizing
释义 sanitizing 英'sæntɪtaɪzɪŋ美'sæntɪtaɪzɪŋ 高COCA⁷²⁵⁸¹BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
动词 sanitize:
make sanitary by cleaning or sterilizingmake less offensive or more acceptable by removing objectionable features用作名词Sodium metabisulfite is the most convenient form ofsanitizing.焦亚硫酸钠是最方便的消毒方式。
Clean equipment.Spray withsanitizingsolution.Drain and air dry.将溶液灌入压力喷壶内,喷于待消毒表面,使其自然干燥。 The convenience of not needing running water and a towel makes the sanitizing gels a preferred method to quickly clean hands which has helped fuel sales.
不需要自来水和毛巾的便利是消毒凝胶剂成为有助于燃料销售的快速洗手的优先方法。 dxy

The self- sanitizing BioMask traps bacteria and viruses and then kills them with zinc and copper particles.
有自动清洁功能的生化口罩可以拦截病细菌,然后运用锡微粒和铜微粒杀死这些病菌。 yeeyan

Adequate facilities for the washing and sanitizing of vehicles and containers shall be provided.
应当提供适当的设备,以便将车辆和集装箱进行洗涤和消毒。 http://www.cahec.cn

But we are not going to negotiate minimizing or sanitizing classified documents.
但是我们不会就缩减或消毒秘密文件这件事进行谈判。 voanews

Cleaning and sanitizing agents are adequate and safe for their intended use.
清洗与消毒试剂应足够,安全,按预期用途使用。 botest.blog.bokee.net

He said that there were many documented cases of plasmas being applied for sanitizing skin or other body parts, and “for speeding the rate of blood clotting in wound healing.”
他表示说,利用等离子体为皮肤或人体其他部位消毒已有很多文献记载,“在伤口愈合时,它能加快血液凝固的速度。” yeeyan

Most problems in PHP applications relate to taking user- supplied data and doing something with it without first validating or sanitizing it.
PHP应用程序中的大多数问题与使用用户提供的数据有关,在使用它和对它执行操作前未曾预先验证和消毒。 ibm

Right now we are sanitizing food, packaging it, not wanting any smells that are strange or off.
而现如今,我们总是在给食品消毒,把它们包装起来,就怕会有什么异味或不新鲜。 yeeyan

Sodium metabisulfite for sanitizing.
消毒的焦亚硫酸钠。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sodium metabisulfite is the most convenient form of sanitizing.
焦亚硫酸钠是最方便的消毒方式。 blog.sina.com.cn

Vinegar, baking soda, toothpaste, lemons and household ammonia are excellent substitutes for cleaning, disinfecting, scrubbing and sanitizing kitchen and bathroom surfaces.
醋,小苏打,牙膏和家用氨是给厨房和洗手间清洗、消毒、擦拭和精华的绝佳替代品。 yeeyan

When I was spewing off the Daily Show post, I had planned to expand on the thought of sanitizing past events, which I feel points out the fundamental difference between the U.
当我发布《每日秀》的帖子时,我计划着关于作者序言部分被删除这一事件应该有更多人了解,在这其中,我明显感觉到中国和美国的本质不同。 yeeyan

You also discovered some of the Zend Framework's form- handling capabilities, validating data, and sanitizing feed items.
还讨论了 Zend框架的一些表单处理、验证数据及清除提要条目功能。 ibm

You also discussed some of the Zend Framework's form- handling capabilities, validating data, and sanitizing feed items.
还讨论了 Zend框架的一些表单处理功能,如验证数据和清除提要条目等。 ibm

Sanitizing filters simply allow or disallow characters in a string and return a cleansed string back as a result.
Sanitizing过滤器只是允许或禁止字符串中的字符并将清理后的字符串作为结果返回。 ibm




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