

单词 sanguine
释义 san·guine 英ˈsæŋgwɪn美ˈsæŋgwɪnAHDsăngʹgwĭn ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA²⁷⁶³⁵BNC²⁴⁰³²iWeb²⁷⁹⁸¹Economist⁹⁶⁸⁴

a blood-red color
confidently optimistic and cheerfulinclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life;

a ruddy complexion

Santa's rubicund cheeks

a fresh and sanguine complexion

来自拉丁语sanguinis,血的,所有格形式于sanguis,血。来自*san,血。来自原始印欧语*es-ro,血。来自*es,血,词源同iron, sister, sanguinary。引申词义有血色的,面色红润的,乐观的等。 iron来自古英语isaern,铁,铁制品,铁制武器。来自原始印欧语*eis,坚硬的,坚固的。部分词源学家进一步推测来自原始印欧语h1esh2r,血,词源同sanguine,血红色。由血引申词义血红,铁水,铁。同时,由于血在古代观念中的神圣含义,引申词义神圣的,强烈的感情,衍生ire, estrus, hieratic等。参照blood, bless。 sister来自中古英语sister。来自古英语sweoster,姐妹,修女。来自原始日耳曼语*swester,姐妹。来自原始印欧语*swesor,姐妹,可能来自原始印欧语*swe,自己的,词源同self, -sor,姐妹。来自原始印欧语*es-ro,血,词源同sanguine, sorority。拼写可能受表阴性格后缀-ster影响俗化,如spinster,纺纱女。 sanguinary来自拉丁语sanguinis,流血的,所有格形式于sanguis,血,词源同sanguine。引申词义嗜血的,好杀戮的。sanguine type乐观型,快活型…sanguine temperament多血质
GRE红宝书sangui三桂, ne: 吴三桂是个地方权贵, 所以乐观的; 脸色红润的
sangu- 血,血多就脸色红润,有活力乐观,中世纪心理学认为与人性格相关有四种体液型,多血、胆汁、黏液和抑郁型;sun + green 或grin 笑,经常户外接触阳光与绿色大自然的人是乐观的,经常运动,面色也是红润的,血液丰富;sang sing过去时+音:歌,唱歌的人是乐观的;音:三棍,打三记军棍能打出血来;
sanguine happy go lucky disposition乐天逍遥的性格
词根记忆sanguin血+ e → 有血色的 ⇒乐观的GRE难词记忆sanguine→sangu=blood 血+ine→血的拼音记忆三san桂gui呢ne 词根记忆满面红光表示乐观近义词 ruddy红的upbeat上升rubicund红的flushed兴奋的cheerful高兴的positive积极的confident自信的hopeful有希望的expectant期待的optimistic乐观的florid过分装饰的anticipative预期的

用作形容词I was born in high summer and own asanguinecharacter.出生于盛夏的我,拥有乐天性格。
His private expectations were not sosanguine.他私下的期望并不是那么乐观。
We aresanguinethat we shall be succeeding.我们自信会成功。
His hair was very fair, his face naturallysanguine.他的头发很淡,脸色天生红润。adj.happy;optimistic
同义词 buoyant,cheerful,confident,enthusiastic,hopeful,upbeatpositiveanimated,assured,expectant,lively,secure,self-assured,self-confident,spirited,undoubtful
反义词 depressed,down,gloomy,pessimistic,sadunhappyadj.reddish;flushed
同义词 flush,glowing,red,scarletbloody,florid,rubicund,ruddy
反义词 pale,pallid,sallow
Panglossianadjective optimistic
assured,bright,buoyant,cheerful,cheering,confident,encouraged,expectant,happy,high,hopeful,hoping,idealistic,keeping the faith,looking on the bright side,looking through rose-colored glasses,merry,on cloud nine,on top of world,positive,promising,ray of sunshine,rose-colored,roseate,rosy,sunny,trusting,upbeat,utopian
assuredadjective confident
bloodiestadjective hard-fought
bloodyadjective hard-fought
brightadjective cheerful
brighteradjective cheerful
alert,animated,gay,genial,glad,happy,jolly,joyful,joyous,keen,lighthearted,lively,merry,optimistic,sanguine,spirited,sprightly,vivacious The sanguine point out that, because profits are fat, firms need not pass higher costs on to prices. But it seems they are already doing so.
乐观的人指出,由于利润丰厚,公司无需将搞成本传递到价格上,但是他们好像已经这样做了。 ecocn

Africans are far more sanguine about prospects for the next six months than Asians and Western Europeans.
非洲人对未来六个月经济前景的看法相比亚洲人和西欧人来说更为乐观。 ecocn

But bankers are less sanguine. “The markets will give the government two more months to turn things around, no more,” says one.
但银行家就没有那么乐观了,其中一位表示:“市场会多给希腊政府两个月的时间周转,但不会再多了。” ecocn

But even the most sanguine Norwegian officials admit that the“trajectory” in Russia is worrying.
但即使是最乐观的挪威官员,也承认俄罗斯种种的做法令人担忧。 ecocn

But that is too sanguine.
但是,这种说法太乐观了。 yeeyan

For less sanguine investors, the idea of going cap in hand to China smacked of desperation.
在不那么乐观的投资者看来,绝望的时候才会对中国磕头下跪。 ecocn

Former player Steve Claridge, who experienced the premiership in the early days of soccer's golden period, is sanguine that money will still pour into the game.
作为足球运动员黄金时代早期的首批亲历者,前球员史蒂夫·克拉利奇乐观的认为金钱仍然将涌向这个游戏。 yeeyan

Most economists are sanguine: global growth might slow by a few tenths of a percentage point, they reckon, but not enough to jeopardise the rich world’s recovery.
大多数经济学家是乐观的,他们认为全球经济增长可能会慢零点几个百分点,但这不足以威胁世界经济的恢复。 ecocn

Neither the shrill nor the sanguine arguments can be dismissed out of hand.
不论是尖锐的或者是乐观的言论都不能直接予以驳斥。 ecocn

Perhaps they are too sanguine, for two reasons.
或许他们太过乐观,由于两个因素。 ecocn

Some economists think that this view is too sanguine.
一些经济学家认为这种观点过于乐观。 ecocn

The defence secretary, Robert Gates, was relatively sanguine last week, saying the leaks were embarrassing and awkward but would not do serious damage.
国防部长罗伯特盖茨上周表示相对乐观,称虽然泄漏电文有些尴尬和难堪,但不会造成严重损害。 yeeyan

This sanguine attitude has evidence to support it.
一些证据也能证明这种乐观的态度。 ecocn

This sanguine view is set out in the bank’s latest inflation forecastsee chart.
这个乐观的观点出现在银行最新的通胀预测中。 ecocn

Though Theresa May, the home secretary, gamely insists that the new system should cost no more than the old one, others are less sanguine.
虽然内政大臣特里萨•梅伊坚称新的警察体制不会比旧体制的花销大,但其他人并不像她那么乐观。 ecocn

To be sure, many central banks are more sanguine, noting that inflation expectations are, in the jargon, well- anchored.
可以肯定的是,很多央行都更加乐观,指出通胀预期都是,用术语来讲,高度锚定的。 ecocn




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