

单词 Sangha
释义 san·gha AHDˈsəŋgə COCA¹²⁵⁰⁸⁶BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁴²⁸⁶¹
He initiated to restore the regulation system of Chinese sangha.
倡导安居、学戒、规范传戒以恢复僧团律制; blog.sina.com.cn

The Sangha Council, which oversees the tens of thousands of Buddhist temples in Thailand, has not banned monks from watching the World Cup but said it should not interfere with religious activities.
僧伽理事会总管泰国的几万个寺院,理事会并没有禁止和尚们看世界杯赛,但理事会表示,和尚们不应因此影响正常的宗教活动。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

We wish to offer these robes to the Sangha, for the long term benefits and happiness of us and our deceased relatives, we wish they can share this merit with us.
我等欲供养这套袈裟给予僧团。愿这供养为我等与往生的父母与亲人,带来利益与幸福。愿我等能与他们同享这功德。 folou

Although there's a widespread belief that all Buddhist followers are members of the Sangha, this is not the case.
尽管有一种流行说法认为所有佛教徒都是僧伽的一分子,其实不然。 dhammatalks

And Master also has a lot of dynamic and educated young Sangha around Him.
而师尊亦有很多活跃和受教育的青年僧伽在祂身边。 blog.sina.com.cn

Blood samples taken from one of the suspected cases in Sangha Region, Republic of Congo, tested negative for several viral haemorrhagic fevers Ebola, Marburg, CCHF, Arenavirus.
从刚果共和国 Sangha区的其中一名疑似病例身上采集的血液样本检测表明,几种病毒性出血热埃博拉、马尔堡、克里米亚刚果出血热、沙状病毒均呈阴性。 who

Five true words of the will, the path, the virtue and talent or the knowledge was standardized for modern sangha education.
要求以“志,道,德,才,学”五字真言作为现代僧伽素质教育的标准; blog.sina.com.cn

On the internal level, the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha are the skillful qualities we develop in our own minds in imitation of our external models.
在内在层次上,佛、法、僧是我们效仿外在的榜样,在自己的内心培育起来的善巧素质。 dhammatalks

Taking refuge in the Sangha, you will own peaceful mind and harmonious retinues and disciples like Sharavaka. Pratykabuddha and Buddhisattva.
皈依僧,可以得到心里宁静,平和的眷属和弟子,有如声闻,缘觉,菩萨一般。 blog.sina.com.cn

The object is the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
皈依的对境为佛、法、僧三宝。 zftrans

The Dragon Dance spectacle was a feature of the closing ceremony of the fifth Conference of World Buddhist Sangha Youth.
此舞龙奇景是第五届世界佛教青年僧伽会议闭幕式的一个特色。 blog.sina.com.cn

The same is the case with the virtues of Dharma and Sangha.
这同样适用于法和僧的美德的例子。 blog.sina.com.cn

Today, now, actually the Master and us promote World Buddhist Sangha Youth together, it is related to this Academy too.
今天,现在,事实上,师尊和我们一起推广世界佛教青年僧伽会,祂也是与这个研究院有关的。 blog.sina.com.cn

World Buddhist Sangha Youth, actually we are now registered with the United Nations under cultural and religious section.
其实,我们世界佛教青年僧伽会现在成为了联合国文化与宗教部份注册的组织。 blog.sina.com.cn




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