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san francisco giants 基本例句 旧金山巨人队 San Francisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds just hit his 714th career home run.The hit came during the 2nd inning of today's game in Oakland.旧金山巨人队的得分主力,拜瑞邦兹在今天对奥克兰队的第二局比赛中,打出了本垒打。 Yet even as San Francisco Giants fans hailed their hero, many other baseball fans across America were dismissing Mr Bonds as a cheat, and his new record a travesty.当旧金山巨人队球迷为他们的英雄高呼呐喊之时,其他棒球迷却认为庞兹不仅忽悠了他们,且其新纪录也是一场彻头彻尾的骗局。 |