

单词 San Francisco
释义 San Fran·cis·co 英frənˈsɪskəʊ美frənˈsɪsko;sænfrænˈsɪskəʊ 高短语²⁶⁴³
a port in western California near the Golden Gate that is one of the major industrial and transportation centers; it has one of the world's finest harbors; site of the Golden Gate Bridge用作名词She cabled her aunt in San Francisco.她发电报给旧金山的姑妈。
The goods will be shipped to San Francisco by boat.这批货物将用船运往旧金山。 Check out an article written about him in the San Francisco Examiner by clicking on the link below.
通过点击下面的链接,可以在旧金山稽查中关于他的一篇文章中来证明这点。 yeeyan

So I show up at my first yoga class in San Francisco.
我首次出现在瑜伽课堂的时候,是在旧金山。 yeeyan

The victims of the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their vehicles. They were all killed.
旧金山地震的受害者就是都在躲在他们的车里,他们无一免于死亡。 yeeyan

“ This is my Jurassic Park,” he said at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.
“这就是我的‘侏罗纪公园’。” 马施在旧金山召开的美国地球物理学协会会议上发言说。 yeeyan

For instance, say you're strolling through a San Francisco district in search of an apartment for rent. You turn on the camera, hold up your tablet or phone, and pan slowly through the neighborhood.
例如,你正在旧金山的一个街区溜达着寻找一个可以租住的公寓,你打开摄像头,拿着你的平板电脑或是手机,然后在邻里之间慢慢摇动。 yeeyan

He is on the Managing Board of the Stanford Graduate School of Business as well as I remembered Board Governors of the San Francisco Symphony.

I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
我遗憾地告诉各位,很多美国人丧失了生命,此外,据报,美国船只在旧金山和火奴鲁鲁檀香山之间的公海上也遭到了鱼雷袭击。 ebigear

If the smoke were in the United States, it would extend approximately from San Francisco to Chicago.
如果换作是在美国的话,浓烟可能要从旧金山一只延伸到芝加哥。 yeeyan

If he can get enough buy-in from journalists at all levels in his early experiment in the San Francisco Bay Area, this could become a national resource of note.
如果他在旧金山港湾区的前期试验可以得到不同层次的记者们足够的支持,那么这个数据库就可能成为一个值得注意的全国性资源。 yeeyan

IF YOU live in San Francisco you get used to the tremors.
如果你住在旧金山那么就会对小型震颤习以为常。 ecocn

In 1993, she transferred to the San Francisco Division, where she investigated Asian criminal enterprises.
1993年,她调任到旧金山分部。 在那里,她调查研究亚洲犯罪集团。 yeeyan

Indeed, this month Australia and America have been discussing— again in San Francisco—how to enhance their security ties.
确实,这周美国和澳大利亚再次于旧金山就改善两国的安全纽带问题进行讨论。 ecocn

It should look to the San Francisco Police Department for an answer.
它应该看一下旧金山警察局,或许能从中找到答案。 yeeyan

Just this past summer, I ran the San Francisco Half-Marathon.
刚刚过去的这个夏天,我跑了旧金山半程马拉松。 yeeyan

She alternated between New York, Chicago and San Francisco.

She moved all the way from San Francisco to New York believing that Frank would marry her as he promised.
她老远的从旧金山搬到纽约来,相信弗兰克会跟她结婚,就像他保证的那样。 hxen

So I asked where do you live? And he said San Francisco I said OK well, what is your address?

When I speak to my archbishop in San Francisco and his role is to try to change my mind on the subject, well then he is exercising his pastoral duty to me as one of his flock.
我在旧金山和我的大主教谈话时,他的任务是努力改变我在那个主题上的看法,那时,他是把我当作他的一只羔羊在实践其牧师的职责。 yeeyan

When you later return home to San Francisco it will automatically adapt and shift to your home context.
当你稍后回到旧金山的家中时,它会自动自适应转换到你的家庭环境来。 yeeyan

San Francisco and New York are important mercantile ports in America.




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