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词汇 sandy land
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An analysis on the effect of cultivated grassland on soil respiration rate was conducted for the abandoned land and the transferred farmland in the Ordos Sandy Land Improvement Experimental Station.
在鄂尔多斯沙地改良试验站的撂荒地和退耕地,测定和分析了多年生人工草地对土壤呼吸速率的影响。 dictall

In the past, cultivation mainly led to activation of Korqin sandy land several times.
垦殖也是过去科尔沁地区沙地几度活化的主导因素。 cnki

It is of important significance for preserving precious species resource in sandy land to strengthen the protection of natural forest and set up natural protection area.
加强天然林保护,建立自然保护区,对保存珍贵的沙地物种资源具有重要意义。 cnki

The Horqin Sandy Land has comparatively nice natural environment in sandy lands of China, this sandy land is hopeful for controlling desertification.
科尔沁沙地是我国自然条件相对较好的一个沙地,有着广阔的治理前景。 magsci

The whole set of technique of land use optimization of Horqin Sandy Land of China can be provided for the local government in similar areas for land use decision-making and ecological compensation.
典型区科尔沁沙地土地利用结构优化的成套技术,可为类似地区政府土地利用决策与生态补偿机制提供支持。 cnki

Landscape action is just responsible for smaller and inlaid spots of degraded vegetation, and its effect on moving sandy land and bare land with great areas is lower.
而景观驱动作用只发生于斑块较小且呈镶嵌分布的退化植被区,对于面积很大且连片分布的流沙裸地其作用微弱; cnki

Shabianzi Research Base For Desertified Land Management is situated in semi- arid, mixed farming and grazing zone southwest of Mu Us Sandy Land.
宁夏盐池县沙边子沙漠化土地整治研究基地位于毛乌素沙地西南部半干旱农牧交错区。 cnki

Spruce on sandy land is a shade-tolerant species, the height growth of its seedlings being accelerated under shady condition.
沙地云杉为耐阴性树种,在幼年期一定程度的遮阴条件可以促进树高生长。 cnki

Succession characters of desertification of Artemisia halodendron community in Kerchin sandy land are analysed in this paper.
本文研究了科尔沁沙地草场差巴嘎蒿—杂类草群落的沙漠化演变特征。 cnki

The results of the Maowusu sandy land showed: it was the best effect that using Super- absorbent polymers with Nitrogenous fertilizer. Its reason was lower soil nutritional level in Maowusu sandy land;
毛乌素沙地试验结果表明,采用保水剂结合施氮肥进行处理效果最好,其原因是由于毛乌素沙地土壤营养水平较低; fabiao

The results may be helpful to the rational distribution of alfalfa varieties and soil moisture adjustment on sandy land.
研究结果对沙化土地区苜蓿品种的合理布局与水分调控具有科学指导价值。 cnki

The design and efficiency of drip irrigation on sandy land shelterbelt were systematically summed up.
本文就沙地防护林滴灌系统的设计及效益进行了较系统总结。 lykxyj

The fine sands in the Onqin Daga Sandy Land may be in part caused by the pedogenesis occurring under the relatively humid conditions.
浑善达克沙地的沙粒较细在一定程度上也与该地区较湿润条件下的成土作用有关。 cnki

This study analyzes the effect of landscape patch structure influence upon desertification process by using RS and GIS techniques in Kerqin Sandy Land.
采用 RS和 GIS技术对科尔沁沙地景观斑块结构对沙漠化的影响进行了研究。 cnki

We can't grow rice on the sandy land.




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