

单词 sandwiched
释义 Sand·wich·ed 英'sænwɪtʃ美'sænwɪtʃ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁷⁴⁰⁶BNC²⁸⁵⁵⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
C 三明治

two or more slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc. between

vt. 把…夹在…之间

put one thing or person between two others especially when there is little space

vt. 挤在…中间

put or squeeze in

two or more slices of bread with a filling between them
make into a sandwichinsert or squeeze tightly between two people or objects;

She was sandwiched in her airplane seat between two fat men

用作名词 n.
动词+~eat sandwich吃三明治make a sandwich做三明治ride sandwich挤坐在两人之间sit sandwich挤坐在两人之间名词+~cheese sandwich乳酪三明治chicken sandwich鸡肉三明治club sandwich夜总会三明治,公司三明治corned-beef sandwich咸牛肉三明治cucumber sandwich黄瓜三明治double-decker sandwich双层三明治ham sandwich火腿三明治open-face sandwich无盖三明治tomato-and-lettuce sandwich番茄莴苣三明治tuna sandwich金枪鱼三明治~+名词sandwich bar三明治柜台sandwich box三明治盒sandwich filling三明治夹心用作动词 v.~+名词sandwich a meeting插个小会sandwich the job挤时间来做此事~+副词sandwich in between two tall people夹在两个高个子之间sandwich in between two trucks夹在两卡车中间~+介词sandwich between插在…中间sandwich between two fat women夹在两个胖女人中间sandwich with periods of rest安插一些休息时间
sandwich between v.+prep.

把…挤〔夹〕在…之间 crush or fit (sb/sth tightly between two things or people)

sandwich sb/sth between sb/sthI'm very busy but I'll try to sandwich that job between visitors.我很忙,但是我会尽力在接待来客之间挤时间做那项工作。
I couldn't get out of the bus, as I was sandwiched between an old lady with stiff legs and a kicking schoolchild.我无法下车,因为我夹在了一个腿脚不灵便的老妇人和一个腿脚不安分的小学生中间。
Our car was sandwiched between two big trucks, almost touching them.我们的小汽车被挤在两辆大卡车之间,差点儿就碰上了。
A film of plastic was sandwiched between two pieces of glass.一块塑料薄膜夹在两片玻璃中间。
This visit was sandwiched between visits to his native Japan.在访问故国日本期间,他安排了这次访问。近义词 roll卷cram塞满snack小吃insert插入sarnie三明治slot in进入浪头hoagie英雄三明治toasty暖和舒适的club sandwich总会三明治double-decker 双层电汽车…butty三明治submarine潜水艇pack in有限的时间里做很多事情,…
用作名词n.This sandwich has no taste.这三明治一点味道也没有。
Cut the sandwich into four equal slices.把这个三明治切成大小相同的4块。
He looked at the sandwich with greedy eyes.他眼馋地望着三明治。
To make a ham sandwich you put a slice of ham between two slices of bread.把一片火腿夹在两片面包之间就做成了火腿三明治。
The sandwich ought to be good—I used the very best ingredients.三明治应该是好的——我用了最好的配料。
Taste some of this sandwich.请尝尝这种三明治。
People should not often eat sandwich made of chicken and fine flour.人们不应该经常食用精粉和鸡肉制的三明治。
The hungry boy ate the sandwich with brutish enjoyment.那个饿极了的男孩吃三明治时狼吞虎咽。
She cut the sandwich into pieces and gave one to each child.她把三明治切成几块,给每个孩子一块。
He ate the whole sandwich and drank all the tea.他吃了整块三明治并把茶喝光了。
The stream flowed over its slim sandwich of mud and stones.小溪在那浅浅的泥石混杂的河道中流着。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.I'm very busy today but I will sandwich that job in after tea.我今天很忙,但我将在下午茶后挤出时间来做那件事。
Study should be sandwiched with periods of rest.学习期间应安插一些休息时间。其他v -ed as Attrib.Leisure is not something sandwiched into the wee hours after an exhausting day.所谓空闲并不是可以挤在忙了一整天后的三更半夜的时间。






用作名词I had a hamsandwichas lunch.我吃了一个火腿三明治作午餐。
I'll try a chicken saladsandwich.我想尝尝鸡肉色拉三明治。用作及物动词I'm busy today but I willsandwichthat job after supper.今天我很忙,但我会在晚饭后挤出时间干那件事。
He wassandwichedbetween two fat women on the bus.他在公共汽车上被夹在两个胖女人中间。
Isandwicha bookmark in my book.我把书签夹在书中。as in.intervening
同义词 interceding,intermediate,middle
反义词 extremeas in.jammed
同义词 blocked,clogged,swollen,wedgedbarred,caught,fast,fastened,fixed,frozen,lodged,malfunctioning,obstructedtrammeledwarpedimmovable,out of order,stiff,unworkable
反义词 impermanent,unfixedclear,empty,loose,operating,vacant
interveningadjective intermediary
jammedadjective stuck fast
barred,blocked,caught,clogged,fast,fastened,fixed,frozen,immovable,lodged,malfunctioning,obstructed,out of order,sandwiched,stiff,swollentrammeledunworkable,warped,wedged Going by the Wyoming style, our51- star flag would have five rows of seven stars each sandwiched by a pair of eight- star rows at the top and bottom.
在怀俄明模式下,我们的51星国旗的顶部和底部每行将各排列八颗星,夹其中间的五行中将分别排列五颗星。 yeeyan

Refined Hua Cake is made in either two or three layers, with each sandwiched with refined glazed fruits, such as preserved apple, peach and apricot.
最终完成的花糕会有两到三层,夹层中一般有类似苹果、桃子和杏等干果。 hjenglish

The Mafia is a dark subject, but the festival was sandwiched between two local saints’ days and the main street was brightly lit by arches of blue, gold and green lights.
黑手党是个黑暗的话题,但是主街上却灯光璀璨,因为图书节夹在两个当地圣人节日的中间。 ecocn

At108th of133, the US is also sandwiched between Tanzania and Venezuela for the soundness of its banks.
在银行健康度方面,美国在133个国家中排名108,夹在坦桑尼亚和委内瑞拉两国之间。 iciba

Being sandwiched between the development and release management disciplines, build management activities can fall through the cracks between existing toolsets.
作为开发和发布管理规程之间的夹层,构建管理活动会因为现有工具集之间的裂缝而失败。 ibm

But ASEAN has helped South-East Asia, sandwiched between India and China, punch above its weight.
但是东盟的却已帮助了那些被夹在印度同中国之间的东南亚小国们增加了自己筹码。 ecocn

Dielectric EAPs, by contrast, are easier to work with and have much more pulling and pushing power. They consist of a flexible polymer sandwiched between two electrodes.
相对来说,电介质型电活性聚合物更为方便易用,且具有更强的拉力和推力,它由正负电极之间夹入一块有弹性的聚合物构成。 ecocn

Each clip was sandwiched between two“ neutral” samples so that the team could measure any changes in fetal movements against a baseline.
每个片段夹在两个“中立”的样本中间,给研究团队提供一个基准来测量胎儿活动的任何变化。 yeeyan

Gaza, a slither of land sandwiched between Egypt and Israel, has only three bookshops for its 1.5m people.
加沙地处埃以之间狭长的夹缝中,150万人口却只有三家书店。 ecocn

He has labeled this new stage“ emerging adulthood,” and it is going to be sandwiched between adolescence and adulthood.
他把这一新的阶段叫做“将立未立”之年,它夹在了青少年和成年人之间。 yeeyan

It is composed of two layers of semiconductor material, typically silicon, that are sandwiched together between metal contacts.
它由两层半导体晶硅材料合在一起夹在金属接触器之间。 ecocn

Its location, sandwiched between the sea and the mountains, constrains the supply of available land.
它夹在海洋和山地之间的地理位置,限制了可耕地的数量。 yeeyan

One economy sandwiched between the dollar block and a potential yuan block is Hong Kong.
香港是一个夹在美元区和潜在人民币区的经济体。 ecocn

So when the atria contract, the valves sandwiched between the atria and the ventricles open, and the blood in each atrium flows through its respective valve down into a ventricle.
所以当你的心房收缩时,夹在心房和心室之间的阀门就打开了,然后每个心房里的血液通过各自的阀门流向心室。 yeeyan

Then structural support, insulation, conduits and plumbing are sandwiched between the two layers of pallets.
再用两个左右托盘的材料制作支撑结构、绝缘和隐蔽管道的夹层。 blog.sina.com.cn

They find themselves sort of sandwiched between the urban areas and the rural areas. Most of them don't want to go back to the countryside, but they don't have the sense of belonging.
他们发现自己被夹在了城市和农村中,大多数人不愿意回到农村,但他们在城市也找不到归属感。 ebigear

This involves covering parts of a vehicle with bricks of plastic explosives sandwiched between metal plates.
它用塑料炸药砖夹在装甲车的掩盖层与的金属板之间。 ecocn

This idea involves the integration of vertical farms into buildings and offices, with plants growing around the edges of the building, sandwiched between two glass layers and rotating on a conveyor.
这个想法需要将垂直农场整合到建筑物和办公室中去,植物生长在建筑物边缘,夹在两层玻璃中间并在传送带上旋转。 ecocn

What you have left is one image open with your multiple layers, in my case3, each layer containing exactly the same shot just taken with a different exposure all sandwiched on top of each other.
你现在有的是一个有着好几个层的图片,我的例子是3个层,每个层有一个不同曝光的但是拍摄同样景物的图片,他们象三明治一样一个叠在另一个上面。 yeeyan

Sandwiched between these hard vertebrae are what are known as intervertebral disks, which act as shock absorbers and protect our spinal cord.
夹在坚硬椎骨中间的是椎间盘,它扮演减震器的角色来保护我们的椎髓。 putclub

Sandwiched between Chinawith lower costs and Japanwith superior technology, Korean manufacturers have much catching up to do in green-tech products.
夹在中国的低成本和日本的尖端科技之间,韩国的制造业则赶上生产绿色高科技产品。 ecocn

Sandwiched between Tunisia and Egypt, where peaceful uprisings had dispatched dictators, Gaddafi, who had ruled far longer than his neighbors, seemed to be the obvious next target.
夹在突尼斯和埃及中间,而这两个国家和平的起义都赶走了独裁者,比他的邻居统治更长时间的卡扎菲显然像另一个目标。 yeeyan

Sandwiched between hard plates, they discharge a rapidly expanding gas to absorb energy from a warhead.
夹在坚固的钢板中间,他们排放一种迅速膨胀的气体来吸收弹头释放的能量。 ecocn

Sandwiched between Harvard and Tufts Universities, the city is a blue-collar bastion with a growing population of young professionals and academics.
夹在哈佛和塔夫茨大学之间,这个城市是个蓝领阶层为主的堡垒,但年轻的专家学者的人口比重不断增加。 yeeyan




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