sandstromˈsændstrəmCOCA⁹⁰⁶⁶⁶ 基本例句 🌏桑德斯罗姆;桑德斯多姆 Almost all of Utah’s political elite, Mr Sandstrom included, were thoroughly embarrassed by it. 几乎所有犹他州政界精英,包括桑德斯罗姆 Sandstrom都对此事深感困惑。 ecocn Mr Sandstrom, for his part, says he is“undeterred” by last week’s federal court decision to suspend parts of SB1070 and will next week unveil an improved bill for Utah. 桑德斯罗姆 Sandstrom称,对他而言,联邦法院上周决定暂缓执行 SB1070部分法律的结果并不会让他的信心受挫,他将于下周公布经过改进的犹他州移民法案。 ecocn