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词汇 Sanaa
释义 Sanaa səˈnɑː COCA⁶⁰⁷⁰⁷

the capital and largest city of Yemen; on the central plateau近义词 Sana萨那也门首都…
用作名词Our company is foreign-registered comprehensive international trading company, based in the Republic of Yemen capital ofSanaa.我们公司是外商注册的综合性国际贸易公司,总部设在也门共和国首都萨那。
The State Department says the attack on the U.S. embassy in the Yemeni capital,Sanaa, was apparently an attempt by terrorists to breach the walls of the heavily-guarded facility.美国国务院说,星期三发生在美国驻也门首都萨那大使馆的袭击似乎是恐怖分子所为,他们这样做是为了炸开重兵把守的使馆的外墙。 The President of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has addressed a cheering crowd of supporters in the capital Sanaa, telling him he welcomes power transfer proposals by the Gulf Cooperation Council.
也门总统萨利赫向在首都萨那欢欣鼓舞的支持者发表讲话,表示他对海湾合作委员会的权利移交协议表示欢迎。 hxen

There has been an attack on a motorcade carrying British embassy staff in the Yemeni capital Sanaa.
载有英国驻也门使馆工作人员的车队在也门首都萨那遭遇武装袭击。 hjenglish

When I met her in a Sanaa newspaper office, she was wearing a third- grader- size black abaya, the full covering Yemeni women use in public after puberty.
我在萨那的新闻办公室里见到她,她当时穿着小学三年级学生那个尺码的黑色阿拉伯长袍,就是那种已婚也门女人在公众场合穿的遮住全身的衣服。 yeeyan

“ Some rural girls see marriage as saving themselves from the control of their families, ” says an activist in the capital, Sanaa.
“一些乡下的女孩把结婚当作摆脱她们的家庭控制和拯救自己的办法,”首都萨拉的一个激进分子这样说。 yeeyan

A child stands in front of Yemeni anti- government protesters as they pray during a rally in Sanaa to demand the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
孩子的身后,是一群也门反政府抗议者,他们正在萨那的集会中祈告,要求总统阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫辞职。 yeeyan

Above, a picture of Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, at dusk.
上面是也门首都萨那的一幅黄昏图片。 yeeyan

Anti- government protesters with the Egyptian, Tunisian, Libyan, Syrian and Yemeni flags painted on their faces chant slogans during a demonstration in Sanaa, Yemen.
在也门的萨那的一次游行示威中,脸上绘有埃及、突尼斯、利比亚、叙利亚及也门国旗的反政府示威者高喊口号。 yeeyan

At one point, Western and Arab diplomats trying to mediate a solution were airlifted from the United Arab Emirates embassy in Sanaa after it was surrounded by armed supporters of the president.
曾经一度,试图调停解决方案的西方国家和阿拉伯国家的外交官被迫乘飞机从阿联酋驻萨那大使馆撤退,因为大使馆被总统的武装支持者包围。 hxen

Government officials in Yemen say President Ali Abdullah Saleh remains in hospital after being injured in the attack on his compound in the capital Sanaa on Friday.
也门政府官员称,萨利赫总统在周五首都总统府遇袭中受伤之后,目前仍在医院接受治疗。 hxen

He then instructed his troops to protect the protesters in Sanaa. His units recently took over buildings near the presidential compound.
他下令士兵保护萨那的示威者,他领导的作战部队最近摧毁了总统官邸附近的建筑。 yeeyan

In the capital Sanaa, anti- government protesters have gathered near a university while those backing the president are in Taghyir Square.
在首都萨那,反政府抗议者在一所大学附近集会,支持总统的示威者则是在 Taghyir广场。

In Sanaa, fears of an al-Qaida attack led to temporary closures this week of the American, British and French embassies.
在萨那,由于担心基地组织袭击,本周,美国、英国、法国大使馆暂时关闭。 hjenglish

Many here in Washington and in Sanaa see his trip to Saudi Arabia as an opportunity to ease Yemen's leader out of office.
华盛顿和萨那的许多人认为萨利赫前往沙特阿拉伯意味着让也门领袖下台的机会来临。 hxen

Most of the plane's passengers had flown on a different Yemenia aircraft from Paris or Marseille before boarding flight IY626 in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen.
从巴黎或者马赛勒出发的大多数乘客在也门首都馓那转机登上客机IY626之前乘坐的不同的也门飞机。 yeeyan

Mr Saleh is at present in Saudi Arabia, being treated for injuries after his compound in Sanaa was attacked on Friday.
萨利赫目前在沙特阿拉伯,因周五萨那总统府遇袭时受伤接受治疗。 hxen




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