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词汇 samurai
释义 sam·u·rai 英ˈsæməˌraɪ美ˈsæməˌraɪAHDsămʹə-rī' ☆☆☆☆☆高MCOCA³¹⁵⁷²BNC³⁵⁵⁶¹iWeb¹¹⁴³⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military aristocracyfeudal Japanese military aristocracysamurai bond武士债券; 外国日元…

用作名词The so-called Samurai Bushido is the code of conduct and ethics.所谓武士道就是武士的道德和行为规范。 In an attempt to destroy said lord, the samurai yes, there are13 transform an innocent mountain village into an intricate death trap.
为了杀死所说的藩主,武士们没错,就是13个把一个纯朴的山村变成一个错综复杂的危险地带。 yeeyan

In Japan from1603, the start of the Edo period, an age of increasing prosperity and literacy under a strong central government, this sort of liberal education was on offer only to the ruling samurai.
日本从公元1603年的江户时代开始,在强有力的中央政府的统治下,经济文化繁荣发展,但是文化教育只提供给统治阶级的武士们。 yeeyan

In Kyoto, where there were fewer samurai, it is filleted along the belly.
京都的武士很少,因此那里是从鱼肚片开鳗鱼。 yeeyan

That's good if you're a Samurai, but perhaps not so grand if you are a peasant toiling in their paddy fields.
如果你是一名武士,这当然很好,但如果是一位在他们的稻田中劳作的农夫,感觉却未必美妙。 yeeyan

The days of xenophobic samurai, killing non- Japanese Christians to preserve the purity of Nipponese culture, are long gone.
虽然,为保证日本文化的纯洁性而屠杀非日本籍基督教徒的仇外武士时代已一去不复返。 ecocn

A renminbi Eurobond can also function like a Samurai bond, allowing the issuer to raise funding in one currency and swap the proceeds into another.
人民币欧元债券也具有武士债券的功能,允许发行人用一种货币筹集资金并把他转换为另一种货币。 yeeyan

A wrasse cleans the skin of a wrought iron butterflyfish, whose black-and-white motif reminds Japanese of a samurai's kimono pattern.
一条濑鱼清理着一条锻铁蝴蝶鱼的皮肤。 蝴蝶鱼的黑白花纹令日本人想到武士和服上的图案。 yeeyan

As you’d expect from a title like that, there will be a samurai group, numerous katanas and an evil Lord in need of a killing.
就如你看到片名时期待的那样,影片中会有一个武士团,许多武士刀和一个需要被除掉的邪恶藩主。 yeeyan

But like the traditional samurai hairstyle shaved pate and topknot, such attitudes are looking increasingly out of date. Writing business software is now a growing business in Japan.
但如同传统日本武士的发型一样刮光半个头皮,在脑袋上将剩下的头发扎起来,日本人对待软件的态度看起来早已过时; yeeyan

Even when not hosting events like the Nude Torch Relay, the fun- loving Samurai Beach crowd gets to frolic in the Pacific Ocean in gorgeous weather all year round.
虽然激动人心的项目比如裸体火炬接力不常有,武士滩一年四季天气宜人,爱玩的游人蜂拥而至,进行各种各样的娱乐活动。 yeeyan

He hardly recognized the gray- haired salaryman who peered back at him, a cubicle samurai who had devoted his life to doing the bidding of his corporate overlords.
他几乎认不出那个回望他的花白头发的工薪族,一个终其一生遵照公司领导的吩咐做事的格子间武士。 yeeyan

I must do the honorable thing according to the legend of my samurai brethren.
我必须依照我的武士同胞的传奇,行光荣之事。 joyen

Joking that he's a samurai, he vows to save his town with its crippled power plant, its poisoned rice paddies and terrified survivors.
他开玩笑地说他是一名武士,他发誓要拯救他的乡镇,还有那破败的工厂,污染的水稻田和恐慌的幸存者。 yeeyan

Other abiding beliefs include companies looking after workers through lifetime employment and the yakuza, Japan’s mafia, being guardians of the lost samurai spirit.
其他坚持的信念包括以终身雇佣制关照员工的日本公司以及日本逝去武士精神的守护者-日本山口组。 yeeyan

Rebuilding and reforming is the real Samurai challenge we're awaiting.
重建和改革才是我们正在等待的真正武士挑战。 ecocn

SeppukuHara-Kiri was a key part of bushido, the code of the samurai warriors; it was used by warriors to avoid falling into enemy hands, and to attenuate shame.
切腹自杀是日本武士阶级信奉的武士道的重要部分;往往切腹自杀是为了防止自己落入敌人之手,借以此来洗刷耻辱。 yeeyan

The inn was established in1890 by a former samurai.
1890年,一名前日本武士在此修建了这家客栈。 cri

The brutal samurai who beheaded peasants to test their blades were yet to come.
那些砍下农民头颅来试刀的野蛮武士还没有出现。 ecocn

These requirements have often been compatible with patriarchal cultures dominated by a warrior elite-- knights or samurai-- as in medieval Europe or Japan.
像中世纪的欧洲或是日本那样由武士精英阶层骑士或是武士统治的男权文化通常就具备这样的条件。 yeeyan

To avoid becoming disorganized and forgetting your vision, follow the secret of the samurai.
要想不变得紊乱,不忘记自己的梦想,就学习武士的秘诀吧。 yeeyan

Samurai women could only commit the act with permission.
而女性武士只有得到许可后才能切腹自杀。 yeeyan




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