

单词 sampler
释义 sam·pler 英ˈsæmplə美ˈsæmplɚAHDsămʹplər ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²¹⁶⁸⁹BNC³⁴³⁹¹iWeb¹⁴⁴⁰⁰

an observation station that is set up to make sample observations of somethingsomeone who samples food or drink for its qualityan assortment of various samples;

a candy sampler

a sampler of French poets

a piece of embroidery demonstrating skill with various stitchesfoil sampler环刀取样器soil sampler采样土钻,土壤取样管…silt sampler泥沙取样器core sampler取样器pulsating sampler脉动采样器grab sampler抓斗式取样器…zone sampler区层取样器pipe sampler管状取样器sediment sampler泥沙采样器,采泥器…portable sampler轻便取样器automatic sampler自动取样器,自动采样…air sampler空气取样器snow sampler雪样,取雪管,积雪采…tube sampler管式取样器,管式采样…amplitude sampler振幅取样器riffle sampler分样器water sampler深水测量器,海水采样…piston sampler活塞取土器bottom sampler水底取土钻,底质取样…
GRE红宝书源于: samplen 样品
sample 样品
词根记忆sample样子+ r ⇒取样员近义词 taste味觉sample样品tryout测验sewing缝纫example例子tester测试员analyst分析家selection选择taster尝味道者needlepoint针尖technician技术员test group测试组illustration说明embroidery刺绣品needlework针线活cross-stitch十字绣cross section横切面control group控件组laboratory technician化验员sampling station取样站,监测站…

用作名词Thissamplercan be used only in streams shallow enough to be waded.这种取样器只能用在能涉渡的浅水河流上。
The simplest type of rainsampleris essentially a funnel and bottle.最简单的雨水采样器,实质上是一个漏斗和瓶子。as in.embroidery
同义词 brocade,decoration,lace,needlepoint,quilting,tapestryadornment,arabesque,bargello,crochet,cross-stitch,needlework,tatting,traceryappliqué,crewel,laceryas in.pollster
同义词 canvassermarket researcher,public opinion gatherer,survey taker
embroiderynoun fancy stitching
pollsternoun polltaker
canvasser,market researcher,public opinion gatherer,sampler,survey taker A new sampling method by home dehumidifier has been developed, and the feasibility of the method as a sampler of atmospheric soluble substance has been validated.
本文采用家用除湿机作为空气水溶性物质采样器方法,并验证了该方法作为空气水溶性物质采样器的可行性。 cnki

A Whitman sampler sends the message: “ I grabbed this at the drugstore on the way home from the office.”
威特曼抽样员发信说:“我下班路上在药店随手抓的这个。” yeeyan

An appraisal has been done for the LH-1 type sampler designed by using this method, expected performance has been met with success.
按本文提出的方法设计的 LH-1型采样器,性能达到设计指标,已通过产品成果鉴定。 cnki

During automatic sampler repeatability test, a homogenous solution shall be at least sampled and injected for10 times, and the RSD of results shall not be greater than1%.
自动进样器重复性的测试,一般取同一样品溶液至少重复进样10次,其相对标准偏差不应大于1%。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Lastly, some experiments are deployed on the showpiece of the sampler, and it is proved to be effective in the hydrothermal fluid sampling conditions.
试验验证了采样器的性能,表明它是一种可以应用于海底火山和相关环境的热液采样技术。 cnki

So a new multitarget tracking algorithm is proposed, which combines the particle filter and the Gibbs sampler, and can track maneuvering multitarget in cluttered environment very well.
提出了一种结合粒子滤波器和吉布斯采样器的多机动目标跟踪算法,可以很好地解决在杂波环境下的多机动目标跟踪问题。 cnki

Tapered Plug Sampler extracts a plug of material from foodstuffscheese, grease, soap, clay or other soft solids.
用于食品、油脂、肥皂、粘土或其他软性固体的取样。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

The sand bailer is also used as a bottom hole sampler.
捞砂筒也可用作业井底取样器。 www.infopetro.com.cn

The statistics you’ll get from this profiler will be more accurate and more frequently updated than the data gathered by the sampler.
从剖析器得到的这种统计数据比从采样器而来的更精确和实时。 infoq

All1300 plus loops are duplicated into Apple Loops and REX files as well for maximum flexibility with nearly any music sampler, DAW, or loop software.
所有的1300加环是复制到苹果循环和雷克斯文件以最大的灵活性与几乎所有的音乐采样器,洒、环或软件。 niubility

Another element that influences the quality of sampling is the level of resolution, or quantization of a sampler.
影响采样品质的另一个要素是所取样本的分辨率,或量化程度。 http://dj.iciba.com

Conclusion This solid phase adsorption gas sampler can be used for sampling and determination formaldehyde in indoor air.
结论研制的固相吸附气体采样管可用于室内空气中甲醛的采样测定。 cnki

Discussed are the proper installation of sensor probe and sampler of the apparatus and the industrial measurement results.
论述了灰分仪探测器及采样器的合理安装位置及工业性测定试验结果。 cnki

Experiments show that the new valve not only meets the requirements of the sediment sampler, but also has better reliability.
试验表明,新型开关阀不仅满足悬沙采样器的功能要求,而且可靠性大大提高。 cnki

It give proof of the applicable type of Sampler for large reservoir, as well as the benefit of on—site Do determination.
证明一大型水库水质监测采样适宜的采样器类型,以及溶解氧水样现场测定的好处。 cnki

Operative only when the unit is in the sampler mode, this allows you to vary the tail- end or the latter part of the playback sound to cut off any unnecessary portion of the sound.
只有当手术的单位是在采样模式,这可以让你不同的尾巴年底或后者的一部分,播放声音,切断任何不必要的部分声音。 baidubao

Quality Control sampler takes samples in a sampling booth according to specific sampling plans.

Since then we've been working with this company to develop a commercial prototype incorporating their air sampler.
此后,我们开始和这家公司合作,结合他们的空气取样器,开发出了商业生产原型。 kuenglish

So how can grandma's ideals or sampler-stitched wisdom really resonate amid such a dense business landscape?
祖母们的思想或者智慧精髓如何才能真正与当今复杂的商业形势产生共鸣呢? fortunechina

Soil is sampled with a core sampler.
土壤的采样使用芯形采样器。 kuenglish

The biconical sampler is an ultra- wideband sampling device. The present paper performs the theoretical analysis, presents the formulas of design and some test results.
双锥取样器是一种超宽频带的取样器件。本文进行了理论分析、给出了设计公式及其某些测试结果。 cnki

The machine, which can be connected to an air sampler, mixes any particles present in the sampled air with a solution of microscopic magnetic beads.
这个机器连接到一个空气采样器,会将空气样本中所有的粒子与系统里的微磁珠溶液混合在一起。 iciba

This sampler can be used only in streams shallow enough to be waded.
这种取样器只能用在能涉渡的浅水河流上。 kuenglish

To select between the delay and sampler modes.
要选择之间的拖延和采样模式。 baidubao

Use soil sampler and plankton net to collect organisms in the mud and water respectively.
利用土壤取样器去收集土壤中的生物及利用浮游生物网去收集水中的生物。 iciba

You can add an assertion to any Sampler.
你可以添加一个断言到任何取样器。 suxuewang.com

Sampler keep clean, do not be coated in the blade part of the anti-rust oil.
经常保持取样器清洁,不用时应在刀刃部分涂防锈油。 app17




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