释义 |
samaya 基本例句 n.萨马亚在几内亚;西经 13º05' 北纬 9º53' The root ofsamayacomes from devotion.虔敬是三昧耶的根本。 The mainsamayacomes from devotion.主要的三昧耶是立基于虔敬。 If you have not brokensamaya, you will become Buddha eventually.你若未破三昧耶,你终将成佛。 We have to appreciate that.And you have to keepsamaya.我们要能珍惜、感念,也必须好好持守三昧耶。 For example, the phallus is called “vajra”, the vulva becomes “the lotus flower” , and copulation is described as “entering into the realm ofsamaya”.例如,**就叫做“金刚”,**成为“莲花”,而**就形容为“进入samaya领域”。 When an Esoteric Buddhist has finished the four diligent exercises, he must vow not to breachsamayabefore Abhiseka, or he will never enter into the madala.在密法修行加行完毕准备接受灌顶之前,必须受三昧耶戒,否则入坛灌顶绝无可能。 |