

单词 backing
释义 back·ing 英ˈbækɪŋ美ˈbækɪŋAHDbăkʹĭng ★★★☆☆COCA⁹¹⁷⁹BNC⁵⁹⁶¹iWeb⁷³⁵⁶Economist¹⁸⁰²
the act of providing approval and support;

his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives

something forming a back that is added for strengtheningfinancial resources provided to make some project possible;

the foundation provided support for the experiment

back后面backing sheet底板backing up封底焊backing storage备用存储器,辅助存储…backing material衬底材料backing board垫板,背纸板…backing belt倒车皮带backing wind逆转风sheet backing钢板衬背,背板…backing ring衬环,托圈,垫环…backing weld底焊焊缝,底焊…backing plate后板,垫模板…backing off铲齿铲backing pressure托持压力,背压,前级…backing strap衬垫backing pass底焊焊道backing strip背垫条,衬背带材…backing register后备寄存器,后援寄存…backing pump初级抽气泵,初级泵,…backing coil反接线圈,反导磁线圈…
back-(后面-ing动名词⇒n.支持⁹¹;背衬;伴奏动词back的现在分词.近义词 aid援助help帮助favor偏爱money财产grant授予mount登上upkeep维持backup后备service服务support支持funding资金finance金融subsidy津贴insurance保险patronage赞助assistance援助protection保护sponsorship赞助championship锦标赛financial backing财政支援financial support财政支援

用作名词The new leader has a largebacking.那位新领导人有大批的支持者。
The cardboardbackingwas just a strengthener.这个纸板衬背就是一个助力器。
She had toured as abackingmusician for a rock star.她曾以某摇滚歌星伴奏乐师的身分巡回演出。noun.support
同义词 advocacy,aid,assistance,encouragement,endorsement,help,sponsorship,subsidyabetment,accompaniment,adherence,aegis,auspices,championing,championship,funds,grant,patronage,reinforcement,sanction,secondment
反义词 blockage,hindrance,hurt,injury,obstruction,opposition,stopdisfavor
accompanimentnoun music that supports a theme or performer in a composition
advocacynoun support for an idea or cause
advancement,aid,assistance,backing,campaigning for,championing,defense,encouragement,justification,pleading for,promotion,promulgation,propagation,proposal,recommendation,upholding,urging
aegisnoun protection
aidnoun help, support
advancement,advice,advocacy,alleviation,allowance,assist,assistance,attention,backing,backup,benefaction,benefit,benevolence,bounty,care,charity,comfort,compensation,cooperation,deliverance,encouragement,endowment,favor,furtherance,gift,giving,guidance,hand,handout,leg up,lift,ministration,ministry,patronage,promotion,reinforcement,relief,rescue,reward,salvation,service,shot in the arm,subsidy,sustenance,treatment
assetsnoun property or money possessed
ace in the hole,ace up sleeve,backing,budget,capital,credit,equity,estate,funds,goods,holdings,means,nest egg,possessions,rainy day fund,reserve,resources,riches,something put aside,something put away,stake,stash,stuff,valuables,wealth
assistnoun help
abetment,aid,assistance,backing,benefit,boost,collaboration,comfort,compensation,cooperation,facilitation,furtherance,hand,helping hand,lift,reinforcement,relief,service,support The troops need to know that they have wholehearted backing, but that is not enough.
部队需要知道他们获得了全力支持,但是这还不够。 yeeyan

The ZRM framework will automatically create a backing database to store data instances of this model definition.
ZRM框架将自动创建一个支持数据库来存储这个模型定义的数据实例。 ibm

At least one firm is backing the logic of this argument in its showrooms rather than just in prototypes.
至少有一家公司在它的陈列室中支持了这一理论的逻辑性,而不是仅靠模型来支持。 ecocn

Because of Treasury backing, the bulk of Fannie’s and Freddie’s debt though not their preferred shares will settle at par or close to it.
由于财政部的支持,大多数两房负债尽管不是他们的优先股将会等于或接近于平价偿还。 ecocn

But Clinton would not have flown to Pyongyang without the backing of Obama.
但是,克林顿飞赴平壤并未得到奥巴马的支持。 yeeyan

But he warns this kind of local uprising will not last without strong backing from government officials.
不过,他也警告说,如果没有来自政府官员的强劲支持,此类地方起义将不会持续很久。 hjenglish

He owes his election as much to the backing of America and China as to his own superbly organised campaign, and dare not offend either of them.
他选举成功,不仅归功于组织得声势浩大的竞选活动,也有赖于美国与中国的支持,双方不论哪方都得罪不得。 ecocn

Her victory was assured when she earned the backing of America and China early this week.
本周早些时候,当她获取美国和中国的支持以后,她的获胜已成定局。 ecocn

I took a pathin backing the surge that I knew was unpopular, because I knew we had to win in Iraq.
而我走了一条不受欢迎的路,那就是支持增兵战略,因为我知道我们必须在伊拉克取得胜利。 ebigear

It would be a mistake not to seek the backing of your church leaders and other members.
如果不向你的教会领导和其他成员寻求支持,那真是一种失误。 yeeyan

Not all these writings have scientific backing!
这些相关著作却不是都有科学支持! yeeyan

Perhaps the two explosions that echoed around Tripoli this afternoon were backing up the message from Doha that Colonel Gaddafi must go.
或许今天下午的黎波里的两起爆炸的回响是为了支持来自多哈的信息:卡扎菲上校必须离开。 hxen

Russia presumably has no desire to be sucked in, as it was in Afghanistan in 1979—and certainly not without international backing.
似乎俄罗斯不希望卷入这场纷争,大概是因为它1979年在阿富汗没有得到国际社会的支持。 ecocn

She is backing away from him on steady feet, and he feels it like a peeling off of skin.
她后退几步跟他保持一定的距离,这让他感觉好像剥掉了他一层皮。 yeeyan

She and other Republicans also have warned against any weakening of American backing for Israel.
她和其他共和党人之前也提醒过美国对以色列的支持不能懈怠。 yeeyan

So while the idea of DNA riding aboard extraterrestrial objects has been floated before, this is the first time we’ve been presented real evidence backing that notion.
因此,虽然之前 DNA乘地球之外的物体来到地球的想法被提及过 ,但是这是我们首次呈现出真实的证据支持这一概念。 yeeyan

That is because it has broader industry support, including the backing of four of the biggest Hollywood studios.
那是因为它得到了业界更广泛的支持,包括好莱坞最大的四家制片商的支持。 ecocn

They also contend that government backing crowds out private competition.
他们也指出政府的支持会挤出私营竞争. ecocn

We would not know what we were backing.
我们不知道所支持的是什么。 yeeyan

Yet they worry that he lacks institutional backing.
但是他们反而担心他缺少宪法支持。 ecocn




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