

单词 salted
释义 salt·ed 英'sɔːltɪd美'sɔltɪd 高COCA¹⁸⁴⁰⁹BNC²¹⁶²⁸iWeb¹³²⁵⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
used especially of meats preserved in saltsalt盐salted sounds咸鳔salted fish腌鱼salted soil盐渍土salted butter加盐奶油salted ham咸猪腿salted yeast加盐调味酵母…salted vegetable雪里红salted egg咸蛋salted casings腌肠衣,盐水肠衣…salted peanut咸味花生salted gherkin咸小黄瓜salted duck盐水鸭台salted hay加盐干草salted meat腌肉
salted加在动词之后,表示“被…的”⇒salted adj.盐腌的,盐味的蒋争熟词记忆salt盐-ed…的⇒用盐处理的;腌的近义词 salt盐反义词 unsalted未加盐的

用作形容词Thesaltedfish is frizzling up in the sun.咸鱼在太阳下就要晒干了。
I bought a bag ofsaltedpeanuts.我买了一包咸花生米。
Bring large pot ofsaltedwater to boil.把加有咸盐的水在一个大锅中煮沸。as in.brackish
同义词 briny,saline,saltish,salty,slightly saltyas in.salty
同义词 alkaline,briny,pungent,saline,souracrid,brackish,highly flavored,oversalted,saliferous,salt,saltish
brackishadjective somewhat salty
briny,saline,saltish,salty,slightly salty
saltyadjective flavored with sodium chloride
acrid,alkaline,brackish,briny,highly flavored,oversalted,pungent,saliferous,saline,salt,salted,saltish,sour And as thin, salted, crisp chips, they are a favorite snack food.
酥脆、咸味的土豆薄片是人们喜爱的点心。 yeeyan

By roasting the fish vertically with the open side facing the fire, the oil seeps into the ashes, leaving salted, seasoned fish meat.
摊平的鱼里面对着火烤,鱼油渗出来滴到火上,进了盐的鱼肉则风味十足。 yeeyan

The seasonal round cakes traditionally have a sweet filling of lotus seed paste or red bean paste and often have one or more salted duck eggs in the center to represent the moon.
圆圆的月饼中通常包有香甜的莲子馅或是红豆馅,馅的中央还会加上一个金黄的咸鸭蛋黄来代表月亮。 ebigear

The almonds are roasted and salted.
杏仁是经过烤和腌制的。 yeeyan

The meat was salted away for future use.
肉腌了起来, 以备日后食用。《新英汉大辞典》

And if you want to be truly virtuous, go for the real thing: carrot sticks, jicama slices, lightly salted radishes, or roasted sweet peppers chilled in the refrigerator.
如果你真的想变得有道德一些,就选择原始的食物,胡萝卜条、沙葛片、腌萝卜或者在冰箱冷冻过烤甜青辣椒等。 yeeyan

Between potatoes' high carbohydrate count and how most of us prepare them fried, buttered or highly salted in a chip, it's to be expected.
鉴于土豆的高热量和我们大多数人的烹饪方式炸,抹黄油或者往薯条中加入大量的盐,这并不冤枉。 tesoon

Cured in1902, his salted and smoked pig haunch should have been shipped to a customer that same year.
火腿熏制于1902年, P.D.的这只盐腌、烟熏猪后腿原本该在同年运送给客户。 yeeyan

Gastric cancer, or the cancer of stomach for example, used to top the most fatal cancer list in Japan because the nation enjoyed too much salted food.
例如,胃癌过去居日本最致命癌症榜首,因为这个国家的人吃太多腌制食品。 hxen

Hence the salted egg, which Kong is buying instead of meat.
因此孔俊英买了咸蛋来代替肉类。 blog.sina.com.cn

I can see why. Fresh batons of crunchy greens are stir- fried with bits of briny preserved salted fish, which add a real zing and savoury flavour to an otherwise bland dish.
我能明白为什么——松脆的绿色植物嫩杆同腌制的咸鱼丁用旺火煸炒,使本应平庸乏味的菜肴散发出真正的生气和诱人的香味。 ebigear

I try to run the fish out by Saturday night if possible and maybe desalinate some salted fish for Sunday if we have it to hand.
如果可能的话,我试着在星期六晚上卖光所有的鱼,并且将咸鱼脱去盐分以备星期天使用。 yeeyan

If you like the yolk of salted eggs, you can insert one in the centre.
如果你喜欢咸蛋黄,你可以在中间加入一个。 hjenglish

Macarons come in many different flavors. They include chocolate, coffee, salted caramel, raspberry, orange, eggnog, lemon, cinnamon, pistachio, even peanut butter and jelly.
玛卡龙有多种口味。包括巧克力,咖啡,咸焦糖,覆盆子,橘子,蛋奶酒,柠檬,肉桂,开心果,甚至有花生酱和果冻口味。 hjenglish

Non- salted nuts are good, lean meats, salmon.
无盐干果、瘦肉、三文鱼都是非常好的选择。 yeeyan

Of the species caught off its shores, none is more famous than the Atlantic cod, nutritious and easily preserved when dried and salted.
从这里捕捞上来的鱼种类繁多,但数大西洋鳕鱼最为出名。鳕鱼营养丰富,经晒干,盐渍后很容易储存。 ecocn

Patients tell her they've cut salted nuts, potato chips and pretzels from their diet and started eating more soup instead.
有病人告诉她,他们已经从食谱中剔除了腌坚果、薯片和椒盐饼干,而开始食用更多的汤。 yeeyan

Sadly, this is impossible to get in the UK, though a good, salted, raw milk butter will last longer than most.
可悲的是,尽管这种质量好的,盐渍的过牛油,能比大多数其他的牛油存放更久,但它不可能进入英国的市场。 yeeyan

Salt- A British study of Japanese consumers concluded that a highly salted diet can result in an increased risk of stomach cancer.
盐-英国研究日本消费者得出结论认为,饮食中盐的含量过高会导致胃癌风险的增加。 yeeyan

Technically, it's almost the same principle that Mr. Volta used to invent the battery in 1799: electrolysis of zinc and copperthe spikes under the lemon in a salted or acid liquid the lemon.
从技术层面来讲,其原理与伏特先生1799年发明电池的原理差不多:铜和锌即柠檬下面的长钉在盐溶液或酸溶液如柠檬中电解。 ebigear

The mayor is reported to add salt to almost everything, even saltine crackers, already- salted popcorn and bagels.
据报道,这位市长先生吃任何东西都要加盐,甚至是威化饼干,已经盐渍的爆米花和面包圈。 yeeyan

The resulting solid, called curds, is strained out of the remaining fluid and pressed into wheels or cubes, which are then aged and salted to taste.
最后得到的固体就是凝乳,将其从牛奶中滤出并压制成轮状或立方形,陈化、加盐以提高其风味。 yeeyan

The chemical must be salted out and allowed to dry.
必须把这种化学物质加盐分离出来并让它变干。 iciba

The roads had been salted after snowed.

They salted down most of the meat for their later use.
他们将大部分肉用盐腌起来,以备日后用。 ebigear

Salted and dried on the beaches, cod was New England’s biggest export.
海滩上晒干腌制的鳕鱼是新英格兰最大宗的出口物。 ecocn




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