

单词 salsa
释义 sal·sa 英ˈsɑːlsə美ˈsɑlsəAHDsälʹsə ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁰¹²⁵BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb¹⁰²⁰⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

spicy sauce of tomatoes and onions and chili peppers to accompany Mexican foods来自西班牙语salsa,沙司,调料,词源同salt, salad, sauce。后用于指舞蹈名,比喻用法,加调料的,充满欢乐的。 salsa来自西班牙语salsa,沙司,调料,词源同salt, salad, sauce。后用于指舞蹈名,比喻用法,加调料的,充满欢乐的。 salt来自古英语sealt,盐。来自原始日耳曼语*saltom,盐。来自原始印欧语*sal,盐,词源同halogen, saline。salt-cellar盐碟,小盐瓶salt,盐,-cellar,俗化自古法语salier,盐盒,盐碟。来自拉丁语salarium,盐。来自sal,盐,词源同salt。 salad来自古法语salade,沙拉,色拉。来自通俗拉丁语*salata,缩写自herba salata,盐水腌渍的蔬菜。来自sal,盐,词源同salt。 sauce来自古法语sauce,沙司。来自sausse,沙司。来自拉丁语salsa,盐渍的,加盐的食物,词源同salt, souse。字母l软化成u。引申比喻义加料,粗俗行为。钱博士sals用盐腌+a名词后缀→用盐腌制之物⇒萨尔萨辣酱
sals用盐腌+a名词后缀→用盐腌制之物⇒萨尔萨辣酱。as in.condiment
同义词 dressing,gravy,horseradish,ketchup,mustard,pepper,relish,salt,sauce,seasoning,spicecatsup,zest
condimentnoun flavoring
condimentsnoun flavoring
catsup,dressings,gravies,horseradish,ketchup,mustards,peppers,relishes,salsas,salts,sauces,seasonings,spices,zests His family, he told me, are from Salsa, in Galilee.
他告诉我,他的家庭来自加利利的萨尔萨。 kekenet

It is based on the story of Nigerian musician and activist Fela Kuti, whose Afrobeat rhythms are a combination of jazz, funk, salsa, calypso and traditional African music.
该剧以尼日利亚音乐家,人权活动分子费拉•库蒂的故事为原型。费拉的非洲节奏乐混合了爵士,放克,萨尔萨,卡里普索以及传统非洲音乐。 hjenglish

Spinning music during Salsa Night, an event for troops on the base.
莎莎舞会是基地部队的一项盛事,舞会上有激情音乐。 yeeyan

The origins of salsa are disputed.
萨尔萨舞的起源是有争议的。 yeeyan

The tropical music has taken Europe and Asia by storm, with salsa clubs and dance studios in high demand, especially in the UK, Germany and Japan.
热带音乐已席卷欧洲和亚洲,同时各地正大量需求萨尔萨俱乐部和工作室,尤其在英国,德国和日本。 yeeyan

Your stress-reduction plan may include a little silliness. Maybe taking a salsa dancing class after work a few days a week will help you to unwind better than would quiet meditation.
减压计划可能会包含一点愚蠢的部分,也许一周花上几天时间参加下班后的莎莎舞蹈课,要比安静冥想更有利于放松心情。 yeeyan

“ Anytime you were craving chips and salsa or ice cream, you could go down there,” she says.
不管什么时候,当你渴望吃薯条,莎莎酱或者冰激凌,你都可以去那里。 yeeyan

“ Because I think it's the roots of salsa, ” she said.
“因为我觉得这是萨尔萨舞的根源,”她说。 yeeyan

“ Chinese culture doesn't let women express sexiness, ” said Wang Shuang, a35-year-old marketing executive who said salsa has given her a new sense of self.
“传统的中国文化并不鼓励妇女展示他们的性感”一个35岁的行销经理王爽说,莎莎舞让她重新认识了自我。 yeeyan

“ We've got Swiss and Germans dancing salsa like Cubans, ” she says.
“我们已经有瑞士人和德国人跳萨尔萨跳的像古巴人跳的那样,”她说。 yeeyan

Add a poached or fried egg and some salsa and you just might find yourself cooking up more brown rice than you ever dreamed.
加一个水煮蛋或是煎蛋,另外再加一些沙拉吧!你将发现自己会煮更多次的糙米,多得远远超出你想象。 yeeyan

And when it comes time to travel, they've still got salsa on the mind.
当谈到旅游的时候,他们还是以萨尔萨舞为重点。 yeeyan

Aspiring disco kings could do a lot to improve their chances by taking up yoga or Pilates to increase their core body strength, or attending salsa classes.

Boy, he pays a lot for organic salsa!
啊,他可为我吃的有机沙司支付了很多钱! yeeyan

Evelyn Hiestand, a flight attendant, says she has been dancing salsa for years but feels that she has found something more genuine in Cuba.
伊芙琳·海斯坦德是一个空姐,她说她已经跳了很多年的萨尔萨舞,但她感觉在古巴发现了一些更真实的东西。 yeeyan

For many students, salsa is more than just a hobby.
对于许多学生,萨尔萨不仅仅是一个爱好。 yeeyan

Garcia thinks salsa dancing could be a bridge as more cultural exchanges are allowed by President Barack Obama's administration.
卡萨娅认为由于布拉克·奥巴马政策允许更多的文化交流,萨尔萨舞可以作为一个桥梁。 yeeyan

If the opportunity arises and a friend asks you over for a barbecue Chileans do this all the time or salsa dancing night, do it.
如果有机会的话,比如有朋友约你去烧烤智利人经常那样做或参加萨尔萨舞之夜,就去吧。 yeeyan

In a large mirrored room at the Sunny Ray Salsa studio across town, a dozen hopefuls were practicing their spins and pointing their elbows as a mambo tune boomed from the speakers.
在一个镇上的一家“阳光射线莎莎舞蹈”里面,一个大的镜室里面,十几的充满希望的人,伴着从音响里传出来曼波舞曲正在练习。 yeeyan

It's made from black beans, rice, optional soured cream, salsa and a corn tortilla.
它是由黑豆,米饭,可选酸奶油,辣调味汁和玉米烙饼一起做成的。 kekenet

On a recent Saturday night, half of the dancers twirling to the latest salsa hits were from Switzerland.
在最近的一个周六晚上,有一半的人跳的最新的萨尔萨舞步是由瑞士传来的。 yeeyan

Or I'd set out a bowl of chips and salsa across the room.
或者我端出一碗薯条和调味汁让他在房间对面吃。 waiyulm

The key is for the activity to be new for each of you, like a salsa dancing class.
重点是,这项活动对于你们两个来说都是陌生的,比如萨尔萨舞。 yeeyan

This Caribbean island may be best known among tourists for its pristine beaches and classic American cars, but travelers are increasingly headed to Cuba for salsa dancing.
这个加勒比海岛可能因它的原始海滨和一流的美式汽车最为著名,但现在越来越多的游客去古巴是为了领略萨尔萨舞的奇妙。 yeeyan

You can do anything from deep-sea fishing to salsa dancing to hiking a mountain to eating at a different restaurant.
你们可以做任何事,比如去深海钓鱼,跳萨尔萨舞,一起爬山或者换个餐馆吃饭。 yeeyan




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