

单词 Salo
释义 Salo ˈsɑːloʊ COCA⁸⁹⁰⁰²BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
n.萨洛在中非共和国;东经 16º08' 北纬 3º10'
States have three main ways to cut costs, says Matt Salo of the National Association of Medicaid Directors.
国家医疗补助计划委员会董事 Matt Salo声称,各州政府有三种途径来缩减开支。 ecocn

The legal problems, says Mr Salo, are making it harder for states to move forward.
Salo先生表示:法律上的难题将使各州政府想要进一步降低福利比率是很艰难的。 ecocn

The salo- potato sandwiches were wrapped in foil and dumped on the smoldering fire, as were 15 plain potatoes, which sat right in the coals until they had fully blackened an hour later.
用铝箔包起来的“萨烙”土豆三明治放在隐燃的炭火中,还放上了没有夹心的土豆,在炭火中烤一个小时以后,土豆就熟了。 yeeyan

“ I start out working on pure speed but still need the endurance to hang on, ” says Lezak, one of Salo's pupils.
“我开始注重纯速度的能力,但同时发觉需要足够的耐力来维持速度,”雷扎克----萨罗的学生之一----如是说。 xmswim

“ We cannot update our data without disclosure from a company, ” says James Salo, Trucost's vice- president for strategy and research.
“公司不发布数据,我们就没办法更新,” James Salo表示。 他是 Trucost战略研究的副总裁。 yeeyan




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