

单词 Salloum
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The last Libyan security forces at the Salloum crossing reportedly abandoned their posts on Monday night.
据报道最后一批利比亚安全部队在周一晚上弃守过境要冲塞卢姆 Salloum。 ecocn

A delegation from Sudan’s embassy in Egypt is in Salloum, seeking to repatriate them: an“ awkward situation”, admits the UNHCR.
埃及那一个来自苏丹的代表团正在萨卢姆,寻求遣返他们:一个“尴尬的局面”,难民署说。 ecocn

But Dr Kamal Ali Ahmed, an elder among the Darfuris at Salloum, says that the Sudanese delegation includes a warlord responsible for several massacres in Darfur.
但是一个在萨卢姆的达尔富尔老人,阿里艾哈迈德卡迈勒博士,他说,包括一个军阀在内的苏丹代表团对在达尔富尔几个屠杀负责。 ecocn

From there to Salloum, each of the15 checkpoints manned by rebels with AK47s presents a real danger.
从那里到萨卢姆的15个检查站都有武装着 AK47的叛军,这是个真正的危险。 ecocn

When the refugees reach Salloum, their plight is grim.
当难民到达萨卢姆时,他们的境况是严峻的。 ecocn




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