释义 |
Salgueiro 基本例句 n.萨尔盖鲁在巴西;西经 39º05' 南纬 8º04' Take the Mogadouro direction, and after having crossed the village, Quinta doSalgueirois about 1.9 miles from Freixo.儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。1名4岁及以下的儿童加床是免费。1名2岁及以下的儿童加婴儿床的是免费。 A reveller from the Aprendizes doSalgueirochildren's samba school performs during their Carnival parade in the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro February 1, 2008.2月1日,一名女孩在巴西里约热内卢狂欢节上参加表演。当天,狂欢节上演了一场儿童桑巴舞演出,桑巴舞队献上了精彩表演。 Juan ManuelSalgueiroReal Madrid have completed the double signing of Uruguayans Pablo Garcia and Carlos Diogo皇家马德里签下的备受争议的 |