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sales department短语³⁶²⁰⁷ 基本英英近义反义例句例句 n.销售部;营业部 公司部门职位
Noun: the division of a business that is responsible for selling products or services近义词 sales force销货力量sales division经 销售货部, … 用作名词Connect me with the Sales Department, please.请给我接销售部。 There are several openings in thesales department.销售部有几个空缺。 Now I'm the manager of asales department.如今我是一个营业部的主任。 The accountant described his work to the sales staff.那个会计向营业部的职员介绍了自己的工作情况。 The sales department acknowledged my order form. 销售部表示收到了我的订货单。 examw For example, if you build software for an online bookstore, the customer can be the sales department of the online bookstore, not the person that buys a book. 例如,若是你为一个在线书店构建软件,客户可以是这家在线书店的销售部,而不是买书的人。 infoq The others colleagues of the sales department are young guys aged from25 to30, and everyone smart and intelligent. 业务部其余的几位同事,都是些25岁至3岁不等的年轻人,个个聪明活跃。 yeeyan Their daughter works in the company’s sales department and their son works in the island’s salt mine. 他们的女儿在公司的销售部工作,而他们的儿子则在岛上的盐矿上班。 ecocn |