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词汇 Salem
释义 Sa·lem 英ˈseɪləm美ˈseləmAHDsāʹləm 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

capital of the state of Oregon in the northwestern part of the state on the Willamette Rivera city in northeastern Massachusetts; site of the witchcraft trials in 1692a city in southern India
用作名词WithSalemand Sweetwater, Fitchburg is one of only three specific U.S. towns named by Rowling in the books.美国麻州费区和塞伦以及德州甘水镇是罗琳在书中唯一明确提出的三座美国城市。 And he comes to this placed called Salem, which just happens to be Jerusalem.

He retired in 1970, and they have lived in Salem since then.

Mr. Obama visited the Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston- Salem, North Carolina, a state that like others has lost tens of thousands of jobs to foreign competition.
奥巴马在北卡温斯顿-萨勒姆市 Winston- Salem对 Foryth社区技术学院进行了访问。 北卡州和美国其它许多州一样因竞争不力而失去了成千上万个工作。 voanews

The leader of this side of the family then was Muhammad bin Laden’s eldest son, Salem, an ebullient, guitar- playing graduate of an English boarding school.
他父亲的长子赛伦 Salem是这个家族的领袖,热情奔放,以吉他演奏专业毕业于一所英国寄宿学校。 yeeyan

“ Our people were asleep on the job, ” said Salem Mufti, a rebel fighter. “It was a surprise that Gaddafi soldiers came so fast.”
“当时我们的人在睡觉,”一位反抗军战士 Salem Mufti说,“卡军来的如此之快,这超出了我们的预料之外。” yeeyan

“ You need an occasion for a revolution,” notes Paul Salem, director of the Carnegie Centre in Beirut.
对此,贝鲁特卡内基中心 Carnegie Centre in Beirut主任保罗•萨勒姆 Paul Salem谈到:“革命需要时机。 ecocn

At Salem High School, however, I found that I peaked very early in both football and baseball.
到了塞伦高中,我却发现自己过早到了自己足球和垒球的巅峰。 yeeyan

But many had sailed from Salem laden with tools and trinkets, to be traded in Africa for human cargo.
但还有很多从萨勒姆起航的货船,虽然满载着工具和小饰品,却是为了到非洲进行奴隶交易。 yeeyan

Charges against Martha Corey, a loyal member of the Church in Salem Village, greatly concerned the community; if she could be a witch, then anyone could.
对玛莎·科瑞的指控在社区里,引起了极大关注,她是萨勒姆村教堂的虔诚教徒;如果她是巫婆,那所有人都可能是。 yeeyan

For a while, I delivered the Salem Evening News. I worked at the local post office during the holiday season.
有一阵,我在当地的邮政局利用假期兼职派发塞伦晚报。 yeeyan

George Burt, the former manager of the West Coast Beet Seed Co. in Salem, Ore., helped set up this system before he retired.
乔治-博特是前任的俄勒冈塞勒姆西岸甜菜种子公司的经理,他在退休前帮助建立了该系统。 yeeyan

Hedonism and consumerism became for Salem what piety had been for his father: common ground with the royal family.
父亲的虔敬在塞伦这里也变成了享乐主义和拜金思想:与王室步调一致。 yeeyan

Indeed plane crashes like his father, Salem died in one in1988 provide a constant motif running through the story.
毫无疑问,撞机事件正如他父亲塞伦于1988年的飞机失事中去世那样成了整个故事恒定不变的主题。 ecocn

Richard Puryear of Salem Funerals and Cremations estimates that a typical burial costs$6,400, whereas cremations average at best$2,800.
Salem殡葬火化公司的 Richard Puryear估算一个一般标准的土葬仪式花费为6400美元,而火化葬礼的花费最多只需2800美元。 ecocn

She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and International Studies and a Juris Doctorate from Willamette University in Salem, Oregon.
她还在俄勒冈州塞伦市的威拉米特河大学取得了政治科学和国际学习方面的文学学士学位和法学博士学位。 yeeyan

This King Melchizedek of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham as he was returning from defeating the kings and blessed him.

Salem assigned each of his brothers a prince to cultivate, while he worked on accumulating powerful cronies in the United States.
塞伦让每个兄弟“照顾”一位王子,自己则在美国结交权贵,积累人脉。 yeeyan

Salem arranged shipments of anti-aircraft missiles.
塞伦负责安排运送防空导弹。 yeeyan

Salem collects planes and girlfriends and insists on singing dreadfully at dinners and wedding parties.
塞伦喜欢收藏飞机和女人,并热衷于在晚宴和结婚派对上大展歌喉嗓音极为难听。 ecocn

Salem residents armed themselves with knives, cutlasses, pistols and watchdogs, and the sound of new locks and bolts being hammered in place was everywhere.
萨勒姆居民们开始携带刀具、短剑和手枪,用狗来看护家门,到处都是铸新锁和螺栓的敲打声。 yeeyan




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