

单词 salami
释义 sa·la·mi 英səˈlɑːmiː美səˈlɑmiAHDsə-läʹmē ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁰⁶⁸³BNC²⁵²¹²iWeb²¹⁸³³
highly seasoned fatty sausage of pork and beef usually driedsalami来自意大利语,是意大利人对“腊肠”的称呼,字面意思就是“用盐腌过的肉”。类似的还有sausage腊肠,是法国人对“腊肠”的称呼。salami technique萨拉米手段pork salami猪肉萨拉米香肠…beef casing salami牛肠衣萨拉米香肠…salami sausage意大利香肠cooked salami熟萨拉米香肠…soft salami软萨拉米香肠…
sal用盐腌+a连接字母+mi=men,名词后缀,在此表结果→用盐腌过的肉⇒意大利蒜味腊肠。近义词 sausage香肠

用作名词I bought somesalamifrom the delicatessen.我在熟食店买了一些意大利香肠。
There are few places in Taiwan where you can buy goodsalami.在台湾只有几个地方买得到好的意大利香肠。as in.lunch meat
同义词 bologna,cold cuts,cold meat,ham,luncheon meat,lunchmeat,turkey
lunch meatnoun processed meat
bologna,cold cuts,cold meat,ham,luncheon meat,lunchmeat,turkey Examples of foods implicated in outbreaks of E. coli O157: H7 include undercooked hamburgers, dried cured salami, unpasteurized fresh-pressed apple cider, yogurt, cheese and milk.
涉及 O157: H7大肠杆菌暴发的食物包括未煎透的汉堡包、风干肠、未经高温消毒的新鲜苹果酒、酸奶、奶酪和牛奶。 who

The Salami Slice pattern, as the name implies, dissects an XML schema into “ slices” with more global level elements.
顾名思义, Salami Slice模式将 XML模式划分为具有更多全局级别元素的“片”。 ibm

“ I like the lamb chops and the salami,” she said.
“我喜欢羊排和意大利香肠,”她说。 yeeyan

After that, they tied us up like salami and lowered us down to the valley without talking to us but stopping often to drink, and curse, and guffaw among themselves.
之后,他们像捆腊肠一样地把我们捆起来,连一句话都不跟我们说就把我们往峡谷下放,但常停下来喝口酒,骂几句,哄堂大笑。 yeeyan

For certain purpose you can talk about slices but the fundamental thing is the salami.

I brought a plate of my wife's Christmas cookies, and he picked me up at the airport with a couple of salami and cheese sandwiches.
我带上一盘妻子做的圣诞节点心,他在机场接我,带了一些香肠和奶酪三明治。 yeeyan

Ikea has been accused of condoning cruelty to animals by selling salami made from Santa's four-legged sleigh- pullers, reindeer.
由于将圣诞老人的坐骑——驯鹿做成香肠搬上货架,宜家以虐待动物之名遭到指控。 yeeyan

Moreover, a benefit to using the Salami Slice pattern is that more elements can be referenced in a WSDL definition.
而且,使用 Salami Slice模式的一个好处就是可以在 WSDL定义中引用更多的元素。 ibm

On those occasions, he consumes a salami sandwich and a glass of red wine.
在这种情况下,他通常会吃一个香肠三明治和一杯红葡萄酒。 yeeyan

Parents should not put ham or salami in their children's packed lunches because processed meat increases the risk of developing cancer, experts in the disease are warning.
癌症专家警告说,父母不应给小孩的午餐便当里放入火腿或萨拉米香肠,因为加工肉类会增加罹患癌症的风险。 yeeyan

So to use an analogy that I think that David Kaplan, a philosopher of UCLA offers you've to think it more like a bologna or salami that you can slice.

So, salami tactics are more likely than wholesale closures.
因此“切香肠”策略可能比大规模频道关闭更为可取。 ecocn

So I quit, and moved to a pizza parlor where I got extra money for cutting the salami with the machine that cut peoples' fingers.
因此,我放弃了,并且转向一个皮萨店,在这里我可以得到更多的钱做意大利香肠切割机。 yeeyan

Then, with breadcrumbs and threads of salami still between his teeth and pointing his mouth towards the other passenger's noses, he walks along the vehicle shouting loudly, ' Excuse me'.
然后他会从车头走到车尾,大叫着“打扰了”,并把他那牙缝里还塞着面包屑和香肠线的嘴对着别人的鼻子。 yeeyan

This design pattern is referred to as Salami Slice because each component or type represents one slice.
该设计模式被称为意大利香肠片,因为每个组件或类型代表一片香肠。 ibm

To improve the taste, pieces of Italian sausages such as pepperoni and salami, and vegetables like onions, green peppers and olives are added.
为了增加美味,可加上几片美式腊肠和萨拉米香肠等意大利香肠,以及像洋葱、青椒和橄榄等蔬菜。 iciba

To its boosters, PFI represents an efficient way to fund investment while keeping operational spending safe from salami-slicing politicians of the future.
对它的鼓吹者来说, PFI代表着一条在保护不受未来的政客损害的同时为投资提供资金的有效途径。 ecocn

We went to his office and he popped in a DVD, and we sat there and ate the salami and cheese and the Christmas cookies and watched his home movies.
我们到了他的办公室,他播了一盘DVD,我们就坐在那里一边看碟,一边吃着香肠、奶酪和圣诞节点心。 yeeyan

Salami, the mystery meat: Is it cow? Is it pig?
意大利香肠,世界上最神秘的肉:到底是牛肉做的,还是猪肉做的? yeeyan




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