

单词 salafist
释义 salafistCOCA¹⁵⁴⁸⁶⁰
A spokesman for Jaish al- Umma Army of the Muslim Community, the largest of the four armed Salafist groups, calls such acts“ aberrations”.
Jaish al- Umma外界称为“伊斯兰社区军”是四个萨拉菲斯特武装团体中规模最大的,其发言人称这些行径是“精神失常”的表现。 ecocn

Before he died, Zarqawi was instrumental in bringing another terrorist organisation, the Algerian-based Salafist Group for Preaching and Combatknown as GSPC, under the al- Qaeda umbrella.
在基地组织的庇护下,扎卡维生前还创立了另一个恐怖集团——以阿尔及利亚为根据地的萨拉菲斯特呼吁声与战斗组织 GSPC。 ecocn

The adoption by some Salafist broadcasters of a strident, aggressive tone against Shia and Christian minorities has alarmed authorities.
一些人视少数萨拉非主义媒体对少数的什叶和基督教派强硬和侵略性的轮调为权威。 ecocn

Salafist groups in Egypt, who represent the ultra-puritan part of a very broad Islamist spectrum, and include groups that once espoused armed jihad, have formed at least four separate parties.
埃及的伊斯兰原教旨主义组织代表着伊斯兰主义极为广阔内涵中的极端部分,包括曾支持武装圣战的组织,现至少已成立四个独立政党。 ecocn

Another Salafist party insisted that for a television interview a curtain should separate its spokesman from the female host.
另外一个萨拉菲斯特政党坚持接受电视采访时候用窗帘隔开发言人和女主持人。 ecocn

At least nine missiles were fired into Israel by small militant groups in Gaza, sometimes called Salafist jihad is.
加沙地带较小的好战组织沙拉菲圣战者至少向以色列发射了九枚火箭弹。 putclub

Fatah’s fans flock to Salafist mosques on Fridays in part to spare them from having to recite a weekly prayer for Gaza’s Hamas rulers.
每周星期五,法塔赫的狂热支持者涌进一座座萨拉菲斯特清真寺里,部分原因是:阻止每周都必须为哈马斯统治者诵经。 ecocn

For months Salafist preachers had roused passions with similar tales of forced re conversions of women, which the ageing and equally conservative church leadership only feebly denied.
几个月前,萨拉菲派传教士以迫害皈依伊斯兰妇女的类似故事唤醒民众激情,年长和同样保守的教堂领导阶层只能软弱无力地否认。 ecocn

He adds that Salafist groups, who follow the puritanical Saudi model of Islam, have flourished since Hosni Mubarak’s fall.
他还说 Salafist组织,一个效仿沙特模式的伊斯兰清教徒组织,在穆巴拉克倒台之后也蓬勃发展起来。 ecocn

In the footage, the kidnappers demand the release of prisoners from the Salafist movement, who are being held by the Hamas authorities in Gaza.
在录像中,绑架者要求释放 Salafist运动的囚犯,他们目前在加沙地带哈马斯力量手中。 hxen

Joined by a motley coalition of activists, including Salafist splinters and Muslim Brotherhood fractions, the activists have increasingly targeted the generals as obstacles to change.
萨拉菲斯特组织与穆斯林兄弟会的一些成员都加入了政治积极分子的阵营,他们又把伊斯兰教领袖划入了妨碍他们变革的敌人阵营。 ecocn

Mauritiania, Mali, Niger and Algeria are working together against the group that began in Algeria in1998 as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat.
毛里塔尼亚、马里、尼日尔和阿尔及利亚正合力打击这个1998年于阿尔及利亚,以“萨拉菲斯特呼声与战斗组织”为名成立的组织。 tingvoa

Representation of the Muslim Brotherhood, for example, has shrunk from three seats to one in the incoming parliament; an arch- traditionalist Salafist Islamist group has dipped from five to two.
以作为代表性的穆斯林兄弟会为例,在引入议会后它的席位已从3个缩小到1个;一个传统社交的萨拉菲斯特伊斯兰组织已经从5个下降到2个。 yeeyan

Sometimes they help Salafist prisoners of Hamas to get out of jail.
有时,他们协助那些被哈马斯关押的萨拉菲斯特囚徒出狱。 ecocn

The Sunni tribal revolt against the violent grip of Salafist extremists most notably, al- Qaeda in Iraq was already under way when Petraeus arrived.
就在逊尼派部落反抗沙拉菲斯特武装分子这是基地在伊拉克的变体时,彼得乌斯抵达伊拉克。 yeeyan




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