释义 |
Sakurako 基本例句 樱儿姓,日本 I vacantly stood under the sotto portico and once more, saw my foreverSakurakowalking to the street centre.我茫然站在骑楼下,我又看到永远的樱子走到街心。 Sakurakosaid she can mail it for me with the umbrella. I nodded with silence and gave my mail to her.“谁叫我们只带来一把小伞哪。”她微笑着说,一面撑起伞,准备过马路去帮我寄信。 What happens whenSakurakodates Nakahara with the assumption that he is a very rich man?医生佐久间约了大学时代的好朋友-经营鱼店的欧介与在信用合作社工作的粕屋,要他们假扮成医生一起去参加联谊。 With a sudden sharp sound from brake, the life ofSakurakosoftly flied me away.随着一阵拔尖的煞车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来, |