

单词 Sak
释义 SakCOCA¹³⁵⁸⁸⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Sak, Evans and Mills studied theoretically the surface polaron in polar crystals for the first time.
研究半无限晶体中表面极化子的特性。 dictall

According to SAK model, a relation between the fractal dimension and the attractive energy is derived, which indicates that the fractal dimension decreases as the attractive energy increasing.
根据 SAK模型导出了分维度与相互作用能的关系,结果表明:随着粒子间相互吸引能的增加,聚集的分维度减小。 cnki

Even at work they had casks and cups of sak?at hand, while children played in the empty kegs and licked the gummy sugar left in some of them.
即使是在工作,他们也不忘把酒一桶桶一杯杯地往嘴里倒,而娃娃们就在空了的酒桶里玩耍,舔桶里剩下来的那些黏糊糊的糖分解馋。 dreamkidland

Purpose: To research the teratogenic effect of recombinant staphylokinase r- SAK on ICR mice.
目的:用 ICR小鼠研究重组葡激酶 r- SAK的致畸作用。 cnki

Results The10 cell lines of hybridoma secreting monoclonal antibodies against r- SAK were established after selection and cloning.
结果经筛选和克隆化后获得10株抗 r- SAK单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞。 cnki

This review introduced the structure and thrombolytic mechanism of SAK, SAK's deflation and clinical research concerned.
本文综述 SAK的结构、溶栓机理、化学修饰及临床研究等。 cnki




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