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saint peter's短语⁶¹⁷⁷⁸ 基本例句 🌏圣彼得主教修道院 The huge crowd in Saint Peter's/span> square cheered as the bands played the Vatican and Italian anthems. 圣彼得广场上人山人海,人们欢呼雀跃,乐队演奏了梵蒂冈和意大利国歌。 ebigear Cardinals and bishops shelter from the sun as Pope Benedict XVI leads the weekly audience in Saint Peter's/span> Square at the Vatican June22. 主教和主教遮挡太阳,因为教皇本笃十六世领导在圣彼得广场,梵蒂冈6月22日在每周的听众。163 Throngs of people jammed Saint Peter's/span> Square, the boulevard leading up to it and nearby piazzas for the special beatification mass at the Vatican. 熙熙攘攘的人群为参加梵蒂冈的特别宣福礼弥撒而挤满了圣彼得广场,以及通向这个广场的大道及邻近的广场。 tingroom |