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Saint Luke 基本英英例句 圣路加
Noun: New Testament the Apostle closely associated with St. Paul and traditionally assumed to be the author of the third GospelIt gives a precious glimpse of Constantinople's most famous image of the Virgin Mary painted it was believed from the life bySaint Lukehimself.让我们有幸见到君士坦丁堡最有名的圣母画像,据说取材自圣路加的生活。 In the seventeenth chapter ofSaint Lukeit is written the kingdom of God is within man - not one man, nor a group of men- but in all men - in you!在圣徒路加的第十七章中它被写上帝的王国是在男人里面 - 不一个男人 , 也不一群男人- 但是在所有的男人中 -在你里面! Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City圣鲁克医院 Saint Luke's Regional Medica Center圣鲁克地方医药中心 |