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词汇 Saint Joseph
释义 Saint Jo·seph 英ˈdʒəʊzəf, -səf美ˈdʒozəf, -səfAHDjōʹzəf, -səf

a Christian holy daya town in northwest Missouri on the Missouri River; in the 19th century it became the eastern terminus of the pony expressFood, faith, and folk art merge as Sicilians prepare their tavola di San Giuseppe, their “Saint Joseph’s tables.西西里人所操办的圣约瑟宴席将食物、宗教信仰和民间艺术融合在一起。
What impresses me aboutSaint Josephis this readiness to agree to the surprises God sends into his life.那些相信圣诞故事的人也会这样做,他们信圣婴基督是降生成人的天主子。
Capping a week of fireworks and festivities in honor ofSaint Joseph, a bonfire engulfs satirical sculptures in this city in eastern Spain.在这个位于西班牙东部的城市里有超过一个星期为纪念圣约瑟夫的烟火和庆祝活动,一团篝火吞噬了这些具讽刺意味的雕塑。
The proof is that she had a rosary, a lead statue of Christ, and a stucco statue ofSaint Josephcarrying the infant Jesus.喏:她有一串用来诵经的念珠、一尊铅制的基督雕像、还有一个圣约瑟抱着圣婴耶稣的泥塑像。
Saint Joseph's is at the forefront of education in crime prevention, analytical techniques, and all aspects of federal Criminal Justice system…圣约瑟夫的是教育在预防犯罪,分析技术的前沿,和联邦刑事司法系统的所有方面。…
MUST 2nd year BBA students may apply for transfer to the “Bridge Program” leading to the Bachelor of Science majoring in International Business which is offered bySaint Joseph's University .澳门科技大学攻读工商管理学士学位的二年级学生,可以申请转学进入美国圣约瑟大学的“桥梁学习计画”,攻读理学学士学位课程,国际商务学专业范畴。




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