

单词 sail across
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Adventurers sail across an ocean to start a new life. A nation is born, which becomes the envy of.
为了寻找新的机遇先驱们远渡重洋。一个国家因此诞生,成为万众瞩目的焦点。 blog.sina.com.cn

It took Columbus more than two months to sail across the Atlantic.
哥伦布横渡大西洋花了两个月。 b.qzone.qq.com

On Zheng He's first voyage, he set sail across the Indian Ocean.
郑和的第一次航行,穿越了印度洋。 dictall

To sail across the Pacific is his dream.
横渡太平洋是他的梦想。 xwzxjy

But clouds that sail across the sky.
然而白云飘过天空时。 etl8

Climb every mountain, and sail across every sea.
爬越座座高山,跨过道道大海。 pkucn

Farmers made a special trip to come to set sail across the Jiangsu area.
江苏一带农民专程乘轮船前来。 elycn

They set sail across the Pacific for America.
他们穿越太平洋去美洲。 dangzhi

Sail across the deeper blue sea.




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