

单词 said farewell
释义 said farewell短语⁷⁸⁸³⁵
After the walk, we said farewell, and meant it.

And then I said farewell to sunlight and set out to become what I became.
然后我毅然告别阳光,去变作一个吸血鬼。 zymk

I said farewell to the hippopotamus uncle, swim to the river, saw the flower soon withered flowers.
我告别了河马大叔,游到河边,看见了一朵快要枯萎的花。 tradeask

I said farewell to New Hampshire in Dover, where almost nine years earlier I had promised to be with them til the last dog dies.
我在多佛向新罕布什尔州道别。大约九年前,我在多佛许下诺言说,将永远和他们在一起,一直到最后。 yeeyan

She tearfully said farewell to Wicket, her closest friend during these terrifying times.
她留着泪与威克特道别,他是那些黑暗日子里她最亲密的朋友。 starwarsfans




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