

单词 sahwa
释义 sahwaCOCA¹⁷⁶²⁴⁶
The Sahwa's representatives will be elected in droves to the provincial councils, so the Sunni Arabs should benefit from an increase in funds and power.
觉醒运动的代表们将会被大量选入省级议会,因此逊尼派阿拉伯人将会享受到资金和权力增加的好处。 ecocn

Police Maj. Muthana Khalid said a member of a so-called Awakening Council unit, or Sahwa, was killed in a drive-by shooting near his house just outside Iskandariyah.
警察少校穆萨纳·哈里德说一个所谓的觉醒运动委员会或觉醒运动的一名成员,就在他伊斯坎德里耶外的房子附近的驾车枪击中被杀。 aitrans

The kingdom’s strongest religious trend, the Sahwa Awakening, mixes traditional religious conservatism with a reformist political streak inspired by the Muslim Brothers.
该王国的最强势的宗教运动萨赫瓦觉醒运动受穆斯林兄弟会的启发,将传统的宗教保守主义与改革派的政治倾向结合起来。 ecocn




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