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词汇 Sageman
释义 SagemanCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
Mr Sageman has unusual credentials: a former CIA officer, he is also a forensic psychiatrist and a counter-terrorism consultant.
Sageman有非凡的背景:前 CIA官员,法医精神病学家及反恐顾问。 ecocn

Both regard Europe as the main battleground, and they also question just how useful democratisation can be as a tool of counter-terrorism; indeed Mr Sageman believes it is entirely irrelevant.
两人都认为欧洲是反恐的主战场,他们也置疑民主化在反恐中的作用; Sageman甚至认为这是完全不相干的事。 ecocn

But where Mr Sageman is plain spoken, Mr Byman is often hesitant and diffuse.
但对于 Sageman清楚表达的观点, Byman常常是吞吞吐吐、漫无边际。 ecocn

Like others, Mr Sageman believes the Iraq war, which appeared to legitimise the idea of a rapacious West in conflict with Islam, was a spectacular own-goal for America.
赛格曼和别人一样,都认为伊拉克战争看似使得贪婪的西方与伊斯兰之间的冲突论合法化;可实际上,这场战争是美国射进的一粒精彩的乌龙球。 ecocn

Mr Sageman is a leading advocate of what is called the “ buddy” theory of terrorism.
Sageman是被称做恐怖主义的“伙计”理论的主要倡导者。 ecocn

In his new book Mr Sageman's sample of militants has grown from172 to500.
在 Sageman的新书中,好战分子的例子从172个增加到500个。 ecocn




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