

单词 safflower
释义 saf·flow·er 英ˈsæfˌlaʊə美ˈsæfˌlaʊɚAHDsăfʹlou'ər 高COCA⁷⁰³²¹BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb³⁹⁶¹¹
thistlelike Eurasian plant widely grown for its red or orange flower heads and seeds that yield a valuable oil一种开红色或黄色花朵的植物,来自中古法语 safleur,红花,来自阿拉伯语 asfar,黄色的,来 自三字母根 s-f-r,黄色的。拼写受 saffron 和 flower 影响俗化。safflower meal红花籽饼粉safflower yellow红花黄safflower oil红花油
safflower花⇒n.红花⁹³;红花染料近义词 Carthamus tinctorius红花

用作名词ObjectiveTo study the preparation technology of Compound Safflower Dropping Pills.目的对复方红花滴丸的制备工艺进行考察。
The composition of the oil was very similar to that ofsaffloweroil.其组成与红花油中脂肪酸的组成十分接近。 The blending of Safflower Oils and Silk Proteins places nutrients where they are most needed to restore high shine and luster.
红花籽油和丝质蛋白令披毛在最需要的地方补充养份,使披毛回复闪亮和光彩。 iciba

And as grumpy boss Stuart gudjohnsen temperature hobby Chinese kungfu of existence, can say is completely a savvy guy to foil safflower role.
而饰演脾气暴躁的老板的斯图尔特·古德温爱好中国功夫的存在,可以说完全是甘当绿叶来衬托红花的作用。 yc55

Another point of thought, do not you can do ordinary safflower leaves, ordinary people can still live a happy life, not necessarily to be Cinderella is the best choice.
换个角度想,做不了红花你可以做平凡的叶子,平凡的人一样可以过上幸福的生活,不一定要成为灰姑娘才是最好的选择。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn

Common Cooking Oils: Safflower, soy, sunflower, corn, and cottonseed. These oils promote inflammation and are made with cheaper ingredients.
普通食用油:红花、大豆、向日葵、玉米、棉籽,这些榨出来的油会引发炎症,它们是由便宜的原料制成的。 yeeyan

Conclusion: Reasonable planting density can improve the output and quality of safflower crude drug.
结论:合理的种植密度可以提高红花药材的产量和品质。 cnki

Instead, use vegetable, safflower or peanut oil.
作为替代,可使用植物油、红花油或花生油。 yeeyan

Nuts, seeds, flax oil, and vegetable oils, such as olive and safflower oils, contain healthy fats.
坚果、种子、亚麻籽油、植物油如橄榄油和红花油,均含有健康脂肪。 yeeyan

Objective:To investigate the feasibility of bacteria endotoxin test for examination the Safflower Injection.
目的:考察细菌内毒素检查法对红花注射液进行检查的可行性。 chemyq

Olive oil makes a nice thick mayonnaise, however one can also try organic safflower oil for a lighter texture.
由于橄榄油使得蛋黄酱变得浓稠,但无论如何你也可以试着用红花油来制作出更加轻的质地。 blog.sina.com.cn

Other sources of vitamin E include wheat germ oil, dry almond, safflower oil, hazelnut, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, and mango.
维生素 E的其他来源的包括小麦胚芽油,干杏仁,红花油,榛子,花生酱,菠菜,西兰花,猕猴桃,芒果。 hjenglish

Skin care experts recommend including one linoleic acid- rich food in the daily diet, such as safflower oil, nuts, avocado or seeds.
皮肤护理专家推荐食用富含亚油酸的食物,例如红花子油、坚果等。 uonew

Sunflower-seed, safflower or cottonseed oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.
葵花油、红花油或棉子油及其分离品,不论是否精制,但未经化学改性。 china-customs

They are drawn to a wide range of seed types like many North American birds but the mourning dove has a real fondness for corn, millet, safflower, and sunflower seeds.
如同北美许多鸟类一样,它们的食物是各类籽粒,但是莫宁鸽偏爱玉米、小米以及红花和向日葵籽。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

They inserted the human insulin gene into the common safflower plant, which churns out the drug for a fraction of the cost.
他们将人类胰岛素基因植入普通的红花植物中即可产出胰岛素,但成本只是一小部分。 yeeyan

They spray-painted320,000 dead safflower seeds, and placed them along state forest roads.
研究人员散布了32万枯萎的干红花种子,把他们沿着州郡森林的公路放置。 yeeyan

Use unsaturated fats like olive, canola, soybean, peanut, corn, or safflower oils instead of butter, coconut oil, or palm- kernel oil.
食用含不饱和脂肪酸的油,如橄榄油、菜籽油、大豆油、花生油、玉米油或红花油,少吃黄油、椰子油和棕仁油。 dxy

We take a look at Double S slimming capsules are the major components: Poria, lotus leaf, fried hawthorn, gardenia, medlar, jujube, safflower, acid, green tea extract, carotene, and so on.
我们来看看双 S减肥胶囊的主要成分有:茯苓、荷叶、炒山楂、栀子、枸杞、大枣、红花、果酸、绿茶素、胡罗卜素等。 eb80

White flowers Mazumdar, safflower calm, elegant purple flower.
白花素洁,红花沉稳,紫花淡雅。 tradeask

You probably get plenty of the latter since they're found in vegetable oils like safflower, sesame, corn, and sunflower- seed oils, as well as nuts and seeds.
你可能已经摄入足量的欧米伽-6脂肪酸,因为它蕴含在蔬菜油里,例如:藏红花油,芝麻油,葵花籽油,坚果和种子里。 yeeyan

Safflower is a new oil and industrial resource as well as a traditional Chinese medicinal plant.
红花是一种传统的药用植物,也是一种新型的油用和工业资源植物。 cnki




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