

单词 backdrops
释义 backdrops 英'bækdrɒps美'bækdrɒps COCA⁴⁷⁷³⁷BNC³⁹⁵⁴⁶
名词 backdrop:
scenery hung at back of stage The Figure bellow illustrates that a firm's strategic context provides a necessary backdrops against which it develops and then manages its operations roles.
如下图所示,公司的战略环境为公司提供了必要的发展背景,并且承担了公司的运营功能。 worlduc

Al Jazeera, they say, has faked footage of demonstrations and their suppression, stooping even to building replicas of Syrian towns as backdrops for staged scenes of violence.
叙利亚媒体说,半岛电视台伪造了示威游行及其被镇压的镜头,甚至卑鄙地利用叙利亚城镇的复制品作为背景,上演暴力镜头。 ecocn

BRIGHT LIGHTS: Make sure babies stand out against snowy ski backdrops with a striking mix of vibrant orange and neon pink.
明亮的灯光:确保宝宝顶住了雪滑雪别具一格的活力与橙色和霓虹灯的粉红色。 uimg1.zhubajie.com

Britons, meanwhile, are adopting the prom at its most traditional, with prom queens and kings and professional photographers favoring pastel backdrops.
而英国人正在以最传统的方式引入这种舞会,舞会上会有舞王和舞后,专业摄影师布置出色调柔和的背景。 ebigear

Conversely, in summer, colour is just about everywhere, from golden light to verdant green or floral backdrops.
反之,在夏季,色彩到处都是,从金色的阳光到翠绿的植物,或者植物的背景。 yeeyan

Five giant backdrops beckon the visitor into the Trianon garden by night.
五面巨幅帷幕将参观者引入夜色中的特里阿农园。 topsage

For instance, by reducing the number of virtual desktops, you have may save some memory, particularly if you are using large bitmaps as backdrops.
举例来说,通过减少虚拟桌面的个数,也许可以节省一些内存,使用较大的位图作为背景时尤其如此。 ibm

Here, I had the satisfaction of a love plot unfolding right in my living room, complete with revolving backdrops and the suspense inherent in a long-distance relationship.
在这里,我满足于这一小片只开放在我卧室里的爱情区域,这里有循环的背景和保持这种远距离关系的固有的悬念。 yeeyan

In contrast, a police drama is likely to have dozens of different backdrops in each episode.
相反,一部警匪剧则可能在每集中都有数十个不同的背景设置。 yeeyan




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