

单词 safe harbor
释义 safe harbor短语³⁴¹⁰³

the target company defends itself by acquiring a company so onerously regulated that it makes the target less attractive;

the acquisition gave the company a safe harbor

noun.place of safety
同义词 hiding placeasylum,haven,port in a storm,protection,refuge,retreat,safe haven,safe house,sanctuary,secret place,security,shelter
foster homenoun household caring for orphaned or troubled child
halfway house,safe harbor,safe house
safe housenoun place of safety
asylum,cloister,haven,hermitage,hiding place,port in a storm,protection,refuge,retreat,safe harbor,safe haven,sanctuary,secret place,security,shelter“This is about much more than one man being allowed to leave voluntarily, presumably from one safe/span> harbor to another safe harbor, ” Mr. Fleischer continued.
他说:“拉登自愿离境是远远不够的,只不过是他从一个安全避风港转到另外一个。” ycwb

The acquisition gave the company a safe harbor.
那项收购给了那家公司一个避风港。 websaru

They have two lines of defense. The first is the DMCA safe harbor; if the courts decide they qualify, then they're likely to be immune from liability regardless of other factors.
他们有两条防守线:第一是 DMCA避风港条款,如果法院认定他们有此资格,他们将不受其他任何因素的影响获得免责。 yeeyan




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