

单词 safe deposit boxes
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n.银行的保管箱safe deposit box的名词复数
There were no safe deposit boxes, either in guerrilla areas or in the rear.
可是在游击区和后方基地没有保险箱。 blog.sina.com.cn

Apparently, they have a specific plan that includes the safe deposit boxes and the husband of one of their hostages.
他们很显然是对保险箱以及一名人质的丈夫有着特别的计划。 yyets

I want to rent a safe deposit box. Would you please tell me where the safe deposit boxes are?
我想租用银行保险箱,能告诉我保险箱在哪吗? jinku

Many Argentineans started using safe deposit boxes instead of regular bank accounts following a2001 financial crisis.
2001年阿根廷发生金融危机后,许多人不再把钱存进银行,而是把它们放进银行保管箱里。 cri

Meanwhile, the gang ransacked125 safe deposit boxes over the course of a few hours. They then set fire to the premises to eliminate any evidence.
在期间的几个小时里该团伙将125个保险箱洗劫一空,而后放火烧楼以毁灭证据。 yeeyan

The hotel provides safe deposit boxes for your valuables.
酒店提供保险箱存放贵重品。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thieves in Argentina dug a tunnel into a bank and stole from nearly140 safe deposit boxes.
阿根廷一伙盗贼挖了一条隧道,潜入一家银行,盗走将近140个银行保险箱里的物品。 kekenet




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