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词汇 Saeed
释义 Saeed saˈiːd 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
The Company's booth, booth number S2- G22, will be located in the Sheikh Saeed Hall at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.
德信无线的展位位于迪拜国际会议展览中心的谢赫赛义德厅,展位号为S2- G22。 yeeyan

The car filled with flames and both Belinda's and Saeed's clothes caught fire.
很快汽车就着火了,贝琳达和赛义德的衣服也着火了。 yeeyan

“ Belinda was sitting in the back seat of my car, ” said Saeed.
贝琳达当时就坐在我车的后座上。 yeeyan

Another132 were injured in the attack by Saeed Hotari, a young Palestinian suicide bomber affiliated with Hamas.
另外还有132人在袭击中受伤,发动袭击的是和哈马斯有关联的年青巴勒斯坦人体炸弹赛义德·霍塔里。 yeeyan

As Saeed Leylaz told me before he was thrown in jail along with most of Iran’s reformist brain trust, “ Our feet are in traditionalism and our heads in modernism.”
正如赛义德·来拉兹在和那些伊朗的改革智囊团一起被关进监狱前告诉我的那样,“我们的脚属于传统主义,而我们的头属于现代主义。” yeeyan

As Saeed went to fetch food a huge explosion rocked the market.
当赛义德去买食物的时候一声巨响在市场炸开了。 yeeyan

Ashton and Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, have exchanged several letters in the past month and EU diplomats say they could hold talks as soon as September.
在过去的几个月里,阿什顿和伊朗首席核谈判代表赛义德·贾利利已经互致信函。欧盟外交官说有可能谈判会在九月举行。 yeeyan

Belinda agreed to marry Saeed but he could not get permission to travel to Britain.
贝琳达答应嫁给赛义德,但他去英国得不到允许。 yeeyan

But Iran’s chief negotiator, Saeed Jalili, said he would not discuss suspending uranium enrichment.

But, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Saeed Jalili, said the package contained many positive ideas.
但是伊朗谈判代表贾利利说,西方国家的激励方案包含许多积极因素。 voanews

In the Maldives, Aminath Saeed, deputy director of general nursing at the Maldives Nursing Council, reports that opportunities for career progression in nursing are limited.
在马尔代夫,马尔代夫护理理事会负责一般护理学的副主任 Aminath Saeed报告说,护理方面的职业发展机会有限。 who

Last Monday, February22, Saeed said Belinda got up after a poor night's sleep and seemed sad.
上个星期一,2月22号,赛义德说,贝琳达晚上没有睡好,看上去不开心。 yeeyan

Mohammad Ali Abtahi and Saeed Hajarian both supported Mousavi and were senior advisers to the former reformist president, Mohammad Khatami.
穆罕默德-阿里-阿卜塔希和萨伊德-哈加里恩,两人都支持穆萨维,同时也是前改革派总统哈塔米的高级顾问。 yeeyan

Mr Saeed says that first- generation immigrants, many of whom come from Kashmir or whose parents lived through Pakistan's struggle for independence, easily relate to the SNP's cause.
第一代移民中许多都是来自克什米尔,或者父母曾经经历巴基斯坦的独立抗争,赛义德先生认为这些人很容易同苏格兰国民党产生共鸣。 ecocn

Osama Saeed, a former spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, which is ideologically close to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, is not everyone’s cup of tea.
乌萨马.赛义德原是英国穆斯林协会发言人,这一协会在观念上很接近伊斯兰教穆斯林兄弟会。 但并不是人人都认同赛义德。 ecocn

Sajjad Ali, Saeed's16-year-old brother, said Belinda had become a“role model” for the family.
萨贾德阿里赛义德16岁的弟弟说,贝琳达已经成为这个家庭的模范。 yeeyan

Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al Maktoum, the uncle of Dubai's ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, attempted to calm the situation last night.
昨夜,迪拜统治者穆罕默德·本·拉希德·马克图姆酋长的叔叔艾哈迈德·本·萨伊德·马克图姆酋长试图缓和这一局势。 yeeyan

So, for now at least, the schools at Muridke remain free to teach what Mr Saeed has preached for two decades: jihad against Hindu India, especially to drive it from the contested region of Kashmir.
所以该地区的学校至少目前还可以自由的传授萨伊德已经教授了近20年的信条:对印度展开圣战,特别是把他们从克什米尔地区赶出去。 ecocn

There were unconfirmed reports that the country's chief nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, would be named foreign minister.
未证实的报道称,伊朗核计划首席谈判代表萨义德·贾利利 Saeed Jalili将被提名为外交部长。 yeeyan

There have been reports that the police in Pakistan have questioned Saeed over his marriage but he denies this.
有人曾指出,巴基斯坦警方询问赛义德的婚姻,但他否认这一报道。 yeeyan

Saeed said he told“ Bel” that he loved her more than 1,000 times that day.
赛义德告诉贝琳达他爱她,一天说1000次都不够。 yeeyan

Saeed Rahi, a lawyer, said the IEC decision“ did not have any legal basis” and ignored the constitutional requirement that the president must win more than 50% of the vote.
律师萨伊德·拉伊 Saeed Rahi称阿富汗选举委员会的决定“没有任何法律依据”,并且忽略了宪法中的规定。 阿富汗宪法规定,总统候选人得票过半才能当选总统。 yeeyan




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