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释义 SADCCOCA¹¹²⁴⁷¹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
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A SADC tribunal ruled last year that the seizures were illegal, but Zimbabwe’s government now refuses to recognise the tribunal’s legitimacy.
去年 SADC法院虽然判决这些扣押是违法的,但津巴布韦政府现在仍拒绝承认该法院的合法性。 ecocn

However, SADC has said it wants to increase the number of observers.
南部非洲发展共同体官员说,他们希望增加决选观察员的数目。 ebigear

Still, the SADC's official show of support for Mr Mugabe has boosted his chances of survival, at any rate in the short run.
再者, SADC的官员们对穆加贝的支持,无论如何在短期内提升了他幸存的机率。 ecocn

The Southern African Development Community SADC, another regional club of15 countries, which has been so feeble over Zimbabwe, could learn a trick or two from ECOWAS.
另一个包含15个国家的区域性组织南部非洲发展共同体 SADC在津巴布韦问题上无能为力,不妨从西共体这里借鉴一二。 ecocn

The SADC has always argued that America's and Britain's more confrontational approach is counter- productive, but this was taking quiet diplomacy to the other extreme.
SADC总是认为美国和英国采取对峙方式只能取反效果,但这次的确是把温和外交上演及至。 ecocn

As a member of the Southern African Development Community SADC, DRC has also motivated other partners to seek a sustainable solution to the electricity problem.
作为南部非洲发展共同体 SADC的一个成员国,刚果民主共和国还动员了其它伙伴,共同寻求一个可持续的电力问题解决方案。 worldbank

At an emergency meeting of the Southern African Development Community SADC this week, Zimbabwe was back at centre-stage.
在这周的南非发展共同体 SADC的紧急会议上,津巴布韦成了关注的重点。 ecocn

Botswana has hinted that it may not, especially if the SADC's election observers, who have previously turned a blind eye to rigging, declare the poll unfair.
博茨瓦纳已经暗示它也许不会,特别是,如果那些先前对一切都熟视无睹的 SADC的选举观察员宣布选举不公正时更加不会。 ecocn

But those in the SADC who have wanted to tackle Mr Mugabe more robustly are gaining ground.
但是那些在 SADC中希望严厉对待穆加贝先生的人越来越多。 ecocn

But Zimbabweans will no doubt be cheered to know that the SADC's leaders, at the end of their Lusaka summit, wished elections next year to be free and fair.
但是这次南部非洲发展共同体的首脑们在卢萨卡峰会结束之际都一致希望津巴布韦明年的选举将自由化与公平化,这样无疑会让津巴人感到兴奋。 ecocn

He called for the cessation of all violence, the presence of South African Development Community SADC peacekeepers and access for international observers and media.
他要求停止一切暴力,以及允许南部非洲发展共同体的维和人员、国际观察员和媒体进入津巴布韦。 ebigear

He said SADC would never accept the unconstitutional transfer of power from a democratically elected government.
他说,南部非洲发展共同体决不会接受通过违宪手段让一个民选政府交出权力。 ebigear

In June the tribunal held Zimbabwe to be in contempt of court for failing to enforce its earlier ruling and asked SADC to take up the matter urgently.
今年六月,该法院认为津巴布韦因未能强制执行早先的判决而蔑视法庭,并要求非洲南部发展共同体 SADC紧急接管这件事情。

In the past South Africa and the Southern African Development Community SADC, a 15-country regional club, have laid out fine-sounding electoral guidelines that Mr Mugabe has merrily ignored.
过去南非和拥有15个成员国的南部非洲发展共同体 SADC制定了细致的选举纲领,结果穆加贝欣然无视。 ecocn

Instead, Mr Tsvangirai was fobbed off with the promise that a committee of three SADC members would eventually “ review” the unity government that took office in February.
反过来说,当时 Morgan Tsvangirai误信了 SADC三国委员会的承诺,该委员会承诺将「监督」今年二月上任的联合政府。 ecocn

Last week Mr Tsvangirai asked for the AU and SADC to help mediate a political solution based on the results of the first round.
上周茨万吉拉伊先生呼吁非盟和 SADC在第一轮选举结果的基础上帮助促成一个政治解决方案。 ecocn

MORGAN TSVANGIRAI, Zimbabwe’s prime minister, is putting a brave face on his latest setback. But he must feel badly let down, once more, by the Southern African Development Community SADC.
津巴布韦总理 Morgan Tsvangirai对于自己最近一次的挫折表现出蛮不在乎,但是他一定对于南部非洲发展共同体 SADC再次感到非常失望。 ecocn

Much still depends on the performance of SADC's observers and the attitude of its leaders.
现在事件的进展更多地取决于 SADC监控员们的表现和同盟领袖对待事件的态度。 ecocn

National Coordinator's meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management for SADC Member Countries; Dry- Zone Africa Process.
非洲干旱地区进程南部非洲发展共同体成员国可持续森林管理标准及指标国家协调员会议。 fao

Not so long ago, he could have counted on the support of SADC leaders, many of them fellow veterans of anti- colonial struggles.
不久前,他本来可以得到南共体领导人的支持的,他们当中的许多人都是他在反殖民斗争时期的老战友。 ecocn

Now, with SADC apparently unwilling to squeeze Mr Mugabe, the old man and his friends can breathe more easily for a while yet.
现在,由于 SADC显然不愿意逼迫 Robert Mugabe就范,使得这位老人和他的朋友暂时得以茍延残喘。 ecocn

PMEDE is an outgrowth of the SAPMP, which seeks to promote an efficient regional power market within SADC.
PMEDE项目是由SAPMP项目发展而来的,后者的目的是促进 SADC内部高效的地区性电力市场的发展。 worldbank

South Africa and SADC are still crucial.
南非和 SADC仍要发挥关键作用。 ecocn

The MDC's leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, had accepted SADC's invitation to the get-together.
民主改变运动领导人茨万吉拉伊也受邀参加了南共体会议。 ecocn

The Southern African Power Pool SAPP is the electricity arm of SADC.
南部非洲电力联盟 SAPP是南部非洲发展共同体 SADC电力机构。 worldbank

The resolution also encourages the Southern Africa Development Community, SADC, to continue its mediation efforts.
这项决议还鼓励南部非洲发展共同体继续调解工作。 ebigear

Two sub regional follow-up meetings of national coordinators have also been held, covering countries in SADC and CILSS countries.
召开了两次分区域国家协调人后续会议, SADC和 CILSS成员国与会。 fao

Zimbabwe's neighbor Botswana argued that Zimbabwe and Mr. Mugabe should be barred from membership in the African Union and SADC.
津巴布韦的邻国博茨瓦纳认为,津巴布韦和穆加贝应该被开除出非洲联盟和南部非洲发展共同体。 ebigear




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