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词汇 Sacs
释义 Sacs ˈsæks COCA⁵²²⁷⁶BNC³⁷⁹²⁴
a member of the Algonquian people formerly living in Wisconsin in the Fox River valley and on the shores of Green Bay近义词 sac囊
SaukCenter, population 3,750, has taken the author to its heart.如今,索克森特三千七百五十个居民非常珍视这位作家。
SaukCenter, population 3, 750, has taken the author to its heart.如今,索克森特三千七百五十个居民非常珍视这位作家。
Saukware in the world, we hope that planting, harvesting dreams.在索克洁具世界里,我们播种希望,收获梦想。
The third time the governor came to office, charges the history revealed that the oldSauknecklace.第三次来到典狱长办公室时,费史竟然发现了老索克的项链。
Saukware for your dream to find a safe, let her in the bathroom of your stay, bear fruit.索克洁具为你的梦想找一个安身之所,就让她在你的浴室里停留,开花结果。
Serving Dane, Columbia andSaukcounties.Sponsored by University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business.网站简介 : Solutions for small business owners and managers including workshops; counseling and telephone information. More sounds meant more information could be shared, giving those who lacked air sacs a better chance of survival in a dangerous world.
声音增多意味着可以分享的信息增多,这使得那些没有气囊的祖先在危险环境里的生存几率大大增加。 cri

The lungs are made up of small sacs called alveoli, which fill with air when a healthy person breathes.
肺由称为肺泡的小气囊组成,当健康的人呼吸时会充满空气。 who

“ Cells are just watery sacs, ” says Niklason.
细胞就是个水囊。 yeeyan

Bird feathers and reptile scales contain melanosomes— tiny sacs holding varieties of the pigment melanin. Many paleontologists suspected that dinosaur feathers also contained melanosomes.
因为鸟类羽毛和爬行动物的鳞片都包含黑素体——这是一种微小的囊状结构,其中包含了各种各样的黑色素,于是很多古生物学家开始怀疑恐龙羽毛是否也含有黑素体。 yeeyan

Both“ sausage” and“meatball” pigment sacs appear in a sample from the cheek feathers of Anchiornis.
近鸟龙的头部羽毛样本同时出现了“香肠”和“肉球”状的色素囊。 yeeyan

Breast cysts are fluid- filled sacs within your breast.
乳腺囊肿表现为乳房内液囊积液。 yeeyan

COPD inflames the bronchial tubes and the tiny sacs called alveoli that line the lungs, making them less flexible and elastic.
COPD能使支气管和排满肺部的叫做气泡的小型气囊发炎,从而使他们失去弹性和柔软性。 yeeyan

Dinosaurs possessed a highly efficient bird- like breathing system involving large numbers of air sacs permeating their body cavity and bones.
恐龙具有一个类似于鸟类的高效率呼吸系统,有很多气囊分布在体腔和骨骼中。 yeeyan

For instance, the team found that a hole above the adult's eyes— one of many air sacs common in tyrannosaur skulls— was not present in the young dinosaur's skeleton.
他表示。举例来说,研究小组在成年个体的眼睛上方发现了一个孔——这是霸王龙头骨上常见的气囊——而另一个未成年恐龙骨骼上就没有这个孔。 yeeyan

In the lungs of mammals, air flows in and out of small sacs, where oxygen is extracted and carbon dioxide released.
在哺乳动物的肺部,氧气通过小液囊进入,二氧化碳从中排出。 yeeyan

Instead, birds have a complex network of air sacs that work like bellows to pump a constant stream of air through the lungs.
相反地,鸟类有一个复杂的肺泡结构,就像一个风箱把源源不断的空气打进肺里。 putclub

It consists of a stack of flat, membrane- bounded sacs.
它由一大堆扁平的膜缘清楚的囊组成。 jukuu

It is often a stuttering journey, with cul-de- sacs and fog. And the goal can change as you approach it.
这个过程通常跌跌撞撞,一路上有死胡同,还有迷雾,但在你接近它的过程中,目标也许又会发生改变。 yeeyan

It relies on low- powered convection currents to ramble wherever it is easiest to drift to, and is then trapped by gentle, patient cul-de- sacs in the hills.
它依赖于弱势力的对流,而对流总是会闲逛到它最容易漂浮的地方,然后卡在温和耐心的小山丘这个死胡同里。 yeeyan

Lungs are more complex than either of these organs, containing several different cell types that form delicate, hairlike capillaries and a maze of branching air sacs.
但是肺的复杂性要超过这两种器官,肺里有几种不同的细胞,要分别形成细微的、头发丝一样的毛细血管,和迂回曲折的分支状的气囊。 yeeyan

Mancini's men kept attacking through the middle, where congestion and go-nowhere cul-de- sacs awaited them.
曼奇尼的人仍然通过中路进攻,中路拥堵,无尽的死路在等着他们。 yeeyan

Microscopic pigment sacs responsible for color in fossil feathers resemble “ sausages and meatballs, ” says Jakob Vinther, at Yale University.
化石羽毛中用于显现颜色的微色素囊看上去如同“香肠和肉球”。 yeeyan

On it, researchers have created an artificial alveolus, one of the sacs in the lungs where oxygen crosses a membrane to enter the body’s blood vessels.
在实验室中,实验人员已经制造出了一个人工肺,氧气在人工肺的肺囊中透过肺膜进入人体的血管。 yeeyan

The air sacs are surrounded by a dense network of minute blood vessels, or capillaries, which connect to the heart.

This condition causes the ovaries to become enlarged and develop many fluid-filled sacs, or cysts.
这会导致卵巢变大并有过多的充满液体的卵巢囊产生。 yeeyan

This week, amniotic fluid is helping the air sacs in your baby’s lungs get ready for breathing as she practices inhaling and exhaling.
这周,当婴儿羊水会帮助肺部的肺泡为慢慢的呼吸做好准备。 yeeyan

Within the lungs, the mucus- lined bronchi split like the branches of a tree into tens of thousands of ever smaller tubes bronchioles, which connect to tiny sacs called alveoli.
在肺部,布满粘液的支气管像树一样又分为成千上万个更小的管细支气管,他们连接到叫做肺泡的小囊。 yeeyan




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