

单词 sacrum
释义 sa·crum 英ˈseɪkrəm, ˈsækrəm美ˈsekrəm, ˈsækrəmAHDsāʹkrəm, săkʹrəm 高COCA⁷⁷³⁰¹BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb²⁸⁰⁸¹
wedge-shaped bone consisting of five fused vertebrae forming the posterior part of the pelvis; its base connects with the lowest lumbar vertebra and its tip with the coccyx来自拉丁语os sacrum,骶骨,神圣的骨头。来自os,骨头,词源同ossify, sacrum,中性格形式于sacer,神圣的,词源同sacred。据说是因为动物的这块骨头用于献祭而得名。 sacrum来自拉丁语os sacrum,骶骨,神圣的骨头。来自os,骨头,词源同ossify, sacrum,中性格形式于sacer,神圣的,词源同sacred。据说是因为动物的这块骨头用于献祭而得名。 ossifyoss-,骨头,-fy,使。即使骨化,引申词义僵化。os-向前,朝向,相对,对着的,在上,表强调,来自ob-在字母t开头词根前的拼写异化。 sacrum来自拉丁语os sacrum,骶骨,神圣的骨头。来自os,骨头,词源同ossify, sacrum,中性格形式于sacer,神圣的,词源同sacred。据说是因为动物的这块骨头用于献祭而得名。 sacredsacra-,神圣的,-ed,形容词后缀。fracture of sacrum and cocyx尾闾骨伤apex of sacrum骶骨尖sacrum to pubis骶骨到耻骨ala of sacrum骶翼pelvic surface of sacrum盆面

用作名词Thesacrumis a normal block vertebrae.骶骨融合为正常现象。
Sacrum fracture what should notice?骶骨骨折了该注意些什么?as in.rump
同义词 backsideback,behind,breech,bum,butt,buttocks,can,croup,duff,fanny,haunches,hindquarters,keister,prat,rear,seat,tail,tushbutt end,derriere,hind end,rear end,tail end
rumpnoun bottom, posterior of animal or human
back,backside,behind,breech,bum,butt,butt end,buttocks,can,croup,derriere,duff,fanny,haunches,hind end,hindquarters,keister,prat,rear,rear end,seat,tail,tail end,tush Of these98 anterior sacral injuries,4748.0% were complete, passing through the sacrum and exiting the posterior cortex.
在上述98例骶骨前部损伤中,4748.0% 处为完全损伤,其骨折线贯穿骶骨、穿出后方皮质。 mdchome

The biomechanics stability of the pelvic ring depends on the integrity of the sacrum, ilium, and sacroiliac ligaments.
骨盆环的生物力学稳定依赖于骶骨、髂骨和骶髂韧带的完整性。 degree-distance

The piriformis muscles, strong external rotators of the thigh, attach to the sacrum and the femur. Stretching them can increase S-I joint instability.
梨状肌是附着在骶骨和大腿骨上的强大的回旋肌,对他们的拉伸有损于骶髂关节的稳定性。 yeeyan

The sacrum is the bone that is shaped like an upside-down triangle at the base of the spine.
骶骨位于脊椎底端,是一个向上的三角形。 yeeyan

This pain can be caused by the sacrum either slipping forward or backward in relationship to the ilium.
原因可能是骶骨相对于髂骨向前或向后脱位。 yeeyan

As you begin to bend forward, the spine moves while the pelvis and sacrum tend to remain behind, especially on the side with the knee drawn back.
当你上体前屈时,脊椎向前移动,但骨盆和骶骨却要保持在原处,特别是屈膝的一侧。 yeeyan

If you are in Trikonasana to the left the action you want is to take the left side of your sacrum forward the lower side as you take your inner right groin back.
假如你是在三角式的左侧,你要做的动作是把骶骨的左侧向前下部,就像你把内侧的腹股沟拉回。 qiaodapei

In our patient, we preserved the sacroiliac joint and most of the sacrum.
我们保留了本患者的骶髂关节和大部骶骨。 degree-distance

In healthy subjects, aging is associated with reduction of lumbar lordotic angle and tendency for posterior inclination of the sacrum.
在健康人群中,腰椎前凸角和骶骨后斜度数会随年龄增大而减少。 adoop.cn

In standing poses be careful of any asymmetrical position that could cause the pelvis and sacrum to move in different directions.
站立式中,要小心所有可能引起骨盆和骶骨的异向运动的不对称的体式。 yeeyan

Najash retained a sacrum, a bony feature that supported the pelvis.
Najash蛇保留着骶骨,用它来支撑骨盆。 yeeyan

Objective. To determine if a steady-state free precession SSFP diffusion-weighted MRI is useful for differentiating sacral insufficiency fractures from metastases of the sacrum.
目的:明确稳态自由运动 SSFP MRI弥散成像对于鉴别骶骨应力性骨折与骶骨转移瘤是有效的。 adoop.cn

Remember that sitting in and of itself“ unlocks” the sacrum and the ilium.
记住,坐式本身就会打开骶骨和髂骨之间的“锁”。 yeeyan

Scientists had assumed that great mass would have produced selective pressure for the larger sacrum, but now they know that the sacral enlargement came first.
科学家以前猜测可能是种群太大导致的竞争压力使蜥脚龙最终产生了,不过现在他们知道了蜥脚龙从何处分化而来的。 yeeyan

Strong ligaments hold the SI joints together to prevent the sacrum from tipping forward between the ilium bones.
有力的韧带将骶髂关节紧紧包裹,防止骶骨从髂骨中脱出。 yeeyan

Study Design. Retrospective analysis of magnetic resonance imaging MRI for differentiating sacral insufficiency fractures from metastases of the sacrum.
研究设计:骶骨应力性骨折与骶骨转移瘤 MRI成像鉴别的回顾性分析。 adoop.cn

Technically, back labor occurs when the fetus is in a posterior position, with its face up and the back of its head pressing against your sacrum, or the back of your pelvis.
从技术上来说,背阵痛发生在胎儿处于背对的位置,它的脸朝上而后脑勺紧靠你的骶骨或者骨盆后方。 yeeyan

The most powerful healer is simply not to create the torque of sacrum and ilium moving apart.
最有效地治疗就是避免引起骶骨和髂骨分离的扭动。 yeeyan

The pelvis is considered to be a ring structure comprised of three bones, the sacrum and two innominate bones.
骨盆被认为是包含三块骨的环形结构,一块骶骨和两块髋骨。 hzgk.net

The neurogenic tumor of the sacrum was particularly discussed in regard to its special features and differential diagnosis.
作者还对骶骨神经源性肿瘤的特点以及该瘤的鉴别诊断进行了讨论。 cnki

When it comes to twists, the only way to prevent further injury and discomfort is to meticulously move the pelvis and sacrum together.
做扭转体式时,避免不适和进一步伤害的唯一方法,就是将你的骶骨和骨盆看做一个整体,小心的同向移动。 yeeyan




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